10 Startups To Watch In Costa Rica

As Costa Rica continues to shine as a hub of innovation, a new wave of startups is making headlines.

From eco-friendly building materials to advanced drone technology, these ten startups are making a name for Costa Rica on the global startup stage.

Here’s a closer look at each of these trailblazers and why they deserve your attention in 2024.


1. Cofiblocks – A Community Of Coffee Makers


Cambiatus | CofiBlocks Community


CofiBlocks is a unique coffee subscription service that delivers fairtrade coffee to consumers’ homes monthly.

It makes sure coffee farmers receive fair compensation by paying them in advance, allowing for better planning and  forecasting.

In its first year, CofiBlocks will also launch a collection of NFTs. Members of the CofiBlocks community can then earn COFI, a blockchain-based currency. At the end of the year, members receive a percentage of the financial results in cryptocurrency, proportional to their accumulated COFI, and have a say in the company’s future directions.

2. Ainnova – Using AI To Empower Healthcare



Ainnova uses artificial intelligence for early disease detection.

The company has developed VisionAi, a platform that aims to prevent blindness and detect early signs of diabetes through advanced retinal technology.

VisionAi specialises in quickly and accurately detecting diabetes and preventing blindness, helping healthcare providers make quicker, more accurate diagnoses.


3. Indigo Drones – Aerial Surveillance Solutions




Specializing in drone technology, Indigo Drones offers aerial surveillance solutions for agriculture.

From crop monitoring to security surveillance, their drones provide high-quality data and insights, allowing businesses and farmers to make more informed decisions.


4. MusclePoints – Predicting Consumer Banking Behaviour



MusclePoints is a platform that uses AI technology to enhance bank profits, cardholder engagement, and predict customer behaviour.

By using data to optimise loyalty programmes, banks are able to make decisions that will result in better customer engagement.

The platform offers a number of services to boost personalisation and increase transaction volumes.


5. TobiPets – Pet Healthcare Platform



TobiPets is a platform dedicated to pet healthcare and wellness.

An e-commerce platform at its core, it offers care plans as well as a wide range of pet care products – all on one centralised platform.

TobiPets is making waves by ensuring pet healthcare is more convenient and accessible for pet owners in Costa Rica.



6. Mensis Mentor – Helping People Land Their Dream Job


Together it is possible | Mensis Mentor


Mensis Mentor is enhancing professional development by connecting people with mentors to help them find their dream jobs.

The mentors help applicants with interview skills, CV writing, LinkedIn profile building and wider prep, ensuring they have the best chance possible at landing their dream job.

Not just a recruitment platform, Mensis is helping people all over LATAM get the job they always wanted.


7. Obsidiam – Cryptocurrency Solutions


Obsidiam - Buy, Sell and Exchange Digital Assets in your country and the  world


In the world of cryptocurrency, Obsidiam is a key player with its secure and user-friendly crypto exchange and payments platform.

Catering to crypto traders big and small, Obsidiam is helps people pay, save and invest, all from one centralised platform.


8. YoViajoCR – Travel and Tourism Platform


Yo Viajo App | Inicio | Yo Viajo Costa Rica


YoViajoCR is transforming the travel industry in Costa Rica with its comprehensive platform that provides the latest and most up to date information on bus travel.

Additionally, the platform offers a bespoke chatbot, able to be quick recommendations for travellers.

With over 200,000 users to date, YoViajoCR is helping people explore the wonders of Costa Rica.


9. Magenta Biolabs – Upcycling Organic Byproducts


Magenta Biolabs (@MagentaBiolabs) / X


Magenta Biolabs is a company that transforms organic by-products into industrial goods.

Using a circular economy mindset, the company up-cycles these products and turns them into business opportunities.

One of the main products it produces is hyaluronic acid, which can be used in pharmaceutical and skincare products for skincare.


10. Zunify – FinTech Payment Platform




Zunify is a payment platform that allows users to pay quickly and securely through their mobile phones.

Through an in person QR code, a phone number or an online payment platform, Zunify helps businesses take payments from a number of areas.


The startups above represent the dynamic nature of Costa Rica’s entrepreneurial landscape. Each company is not only contributing to the country’s economic growth but making waves globally.

Keep an eye on these companies as we head into 2024 and beyond…



