Can Tech Help Detect Early Ailments? Alternatives For Googling Your Symptoms

Healthcare has undergone a significant transformation due to the evolution of technology.

Wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers have changed the healthcare game by monitoring vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. By analyzing these data points, individuals can detect any irregularities that may indicate health issues before symptoms appear.

Medical apps and online platforms have provided tools for self-assessment and symptom tracking. These resources allow users to input symptoms and receive personalised health recommendations. Users can even connect with healthcare professionals remotely. This accessibility empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards managing their health and seeking timely medical intervention when necessary.

Diagnostic technologies have also advanced to provide quicker and more accurate results. From at-home testing kits to advanced imaging techniques like MRI and CT scans, these tools aid in detecting illnesses at earlier stages when treatment is often more effective. By leveraging technology, people can now detect potential health concerns sooner, leading to better outcomes and improved overall well-being.


Google Is Not A Doctor


It may be tempting to search for health information online when experiencing symptoms, but it’s not advisable. This is because online search results can often lead to misinformation or exaggerated conclusions, causing unnecessary worry or panic. Many health conditions share similar symptoms, and self-diagnosing based on internet research can result in incorrect assumptions and unnecessary stress.

Not to mention, relying solely on internet searches can delay seeking professional medical advice. Qualified healthcare professionals have the expertise to accurately diagnose and treat various conditions, ensuring appropriate care and management. Therefore, it’s always better to consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice and accurate diagnosis rather than relying on Google.


AI-Powered Apps To Help ID Ailments


That being said, there are AI-powered tools you can use that can help you identify potential illnesses that may be more reliable than a query on a search engine.




Ada Health, established in 2016, is a healthcare technology company committed to enhancing health outcomes globally. Their flagship product, Ada, is a mobile app that assists users in quickly diagnosing symptoms by leveraging its extensive database of 3,600 conditions. With over 13 million users worldwide, Ada covers 99.5% of all medically diagnosable conditions, offering comprehensive assessments across various medical disciplines.

Founded by Dr. Claire Novorol, Daniel Nathrath, and Martin Hirsch, Ada employs probabilistic reasoning methods to differentiate among common and rare conditions, ensuring accurate and personalised results. Their transparent and explainable AI system, known as a “white box system,” prioritises safety and reliability, providing users and clinicians with insight into the decision-making process.



Ada serves as a valuable tool for both users and clinicians, streamlining the diagnostic process and improving patient care experiences. For clinicians, Ada reduces the burden of documentation by automatically importing electronic health records and offering efficient care navigation. Ada’s adherence to regulatory standards, such as being considered a Class IIa medical device in the EU, underscores its commitment to safety and quality in healthcare.

As healthcare evolves, Ada continues to explore innovative approaches, including large language models (LLMs), to further enhance its capabilities. While embracing the benefits of AI, Ada remains dedicated to transparency and explainability, ensuring that clinicians and users alike can trust its technology for reliable medical insights.




Buoy Health offers a user-friendly platform that guides individuals through the process of understanding and managing their symptoms. Users can chat about their symptoms, receive feedback on potential causes and severity, and choose the best care option based on their condition. Buoy also provides ongoing support by checking in on users’ progress via text and offering a community where users can share their experiences.

The company was founded by Andrew Le, M.D., during his final year at Harvard Medical School, after witnessing how misinformation from online sources led people to make incorrect health decisions. Buoy aims to simplify the US healthcare system by providing reliable information and guiding users to appropriate care. Leveraging technology and medical expertise, Buoy ensures clarity and accuracy in its guidance.

Buoy’s commitment to quality is evident in its approach to information delivery. Medical articles undergo multiple rounds of review by doctors, specialists, illustrators, and award-winning editors to ensure accuracy and clarity. Custom-drawn images and illustrations are created by scientific illustrators and vetted by healthcare experts. Additionally, Buoy collaborates with industry professionals, including those from Harvard Medical School, to provide trustworthy content.

While Buoy does not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, it serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking reliable information about their health. By combining intelligent technology with medical expertise, Buoy empowers users to make informed decisions about their healthcare needs.


To Conclude


In today’s world, we have easy access to health information through the internet. However, relying on online searches for medical advice can be risky. It may lead to misinformation and unnecessary stress. Thankfully, there are AI-powered apps such as Ada and Buoy that provide reliable alternatives. These platforms combine advanced technology with medical expertise to empower users to make informed decisions about their health.