Inside Dubai’s Booming Technology Sector: Seed Group CEO’s Take on How Global Startups Can Harness The Momentum

Dubai has rallied to become a global leader in technological advancements and the digitalisation of various sectors to design a human-to-human, tech-driven future. In April 2024, for example, the government established the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence (DUB.AI).

It encourages the adoption of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) solutions across key industries. Moreover, the Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy announced that the emirate has attracted 101 innovative tech start-ups. 

These developments reflect the government’s efforts to drive innovation and the increasing confidence of international companies in Dubai’s tech industry. Equally significant, besides these, is the role of local institutions in facilitating the entry of innovative firms in Dubai and the MENA region, in general. Seed Group, a company of The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum, is a prime example of such entities.

TechRound recently interviewed Hisham Al Gurg, CEO of Seed Group and The Private Office of SHeikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum, about his views on Dubai’s booming tech ecosystem and the abundance of opportunities for global start-ups and established firms. Al Gurg also emphasised the company’s strategic ability to build partnerships that foster growth and innovation.


How Has Dubai’s Tech Focus Transformed its Major Sectors and What Opportunities Does This Offer Startups?


Dubai’s focus on tech advancements has transformed key economic sectors such as finance, real estate, transportation, and healthcare by incorporating cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, AI, and IoT (Internet of Things).

The resulting transition generates a fertile ground for start-ups by providing an agile ecosystem with strong infrastructure, access to funding, and a supportive regulatory environment. Concurrently, startups may capitalise on Dubai’s tech-driven impetus to conceptualise, scale, and work with established players across all industries.


Why is the Fintech Sector Particularly Attractive in Dubai?


The widespread adoption of technology in finance signalled the rise of financial technology (fintech). In response, strategic initiatives were implemented to boost fintech utilisation and its contribution to the GDP.

Notably, entities like the Dubai VARA have been established to create regulatory sandboxes conducive to innovation. This has attracted engineers and entrepreneurs worldwide to the city’s fintech industry, leading to the UAE ranking among the top 10 countries for cryptocurrency adoption. These are among the reasons why our partners, like DKK Partners and Gennius XYZ, have expanded into the emirate.

Why is it Essential to Partner With Strategic Firms in Dubai in a Competitive Industry Like Technology?


Given Dubai’s booming technology market, building strategic alliances with local firms is vital for international tech businesses seeking seamless local ventures. By doing so, they gain invaluable local market insight and networking opportunities.

Partnering with local private entities like Seed Group specifically enables companies to simplify regulatory processes and develop strategic relationships with government leaders and key industry players.


How Has Seed Group Contributed to Dubai’s Plans to Digitise All Sectors – Can You Give Examples of Successful Partnerships?


We take pride in our contribution to Dubai’s digitalisation efforts to establish the city-state as the leading hub for technological leadership. In the transportation industry, we facilitated the market entry of the world’s first digital licence plate platform, Reviver, to expand its reach within the region.

In telecommunications, we successfully introduced conversational AI provider SentiOne to Dubai, paving the way for a strategic partnership with e& enterprise. Recently, we’ve teamed up with the American AI and robotics company, Kebotix, to boost the emirate’s materials industry.


What Key Developments Do You Believe Will Shape Dubai’s Tech Future?


As previously established, pivotal projects are already advancing Dubai’s tech infrastructure, like the Dubai Program for Gaming 2033 or DUB.AI. Such strategies are all set to make Dubai a future-proof city, bolstering its global investments and fulfilling its overarching goal of being a global hub for innovation.


Towards a Future-Ready Dubai


Visionary leadership, strategic initiatives, and a strong ecosystem of start-ups and foreign corporations are driving Dubai’s transformation into an international technological powerhouse.

With over 20 years of experience, Seed Group envisions a future where sustainable digital innovation thrives. Their strategic support ensures local and international businesses can traverse and capitalise on the emirate’s booming tech scene.