Experimental PeLED Screens Shed Light On The Evolution Of Screen Tech

A PeLED screen may seem outdated with its flickering text and small computer-like appearance, however their technology represents a significant advancement in the screen tech sector, the BBC reports. Unlike our current lED screens, PeLED screens could make devices thinner, cheaper, and extend battery life.

These PeLED screens may take a few years to become commercialised as they are currently unstable and deteriorate with exposure to moisture or oxygen. Researchers are currently working on stabilising them since they hold promise for making displays multi-functional more efficient.

This new advancement sheds light on screen tech and how it has evolved into the smart devices we rely on so heavily today.


What Is Screen Tech?


Screen tech refers to the materials and processes that are used to create displays for electronics. Many modern devices have these built in displays, such as smartphones, smart watches, television screens, laptops, and modern vehicles.

Screens are present all around us modern life, and has fundamentally changed how we perform certain tasks, how we interact with other people, and how we spend our time working and relaxing. Because of it’s prevalence, it’s evident that screen tech plays an important role in our daily lives.


How Did Screen Tech Evolve Into The Displays We Know Today?


Screen tech has evolved from it’s humble beginnings as simple displays into the sophisticated interfaces we know today. Let’s take a look at how this transformation came to be:


Where Screen Tech Began

The earliest screen technology was the cathode ray tube displays (CRT). CRTs were used in the earliest television and computer monitors and it relied on electron beams which created images on a glass surface, or screen. These screens were bulky and heavy, and were not accurate in terms of resolution or colour.



The first Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) emerged in the 1970’s and gained traction throughout the 1990s. They were thinner, lighter, and more energy efficient than their predecessors. LCDs make use of active-matrix technology which allow for better colour quality and responsiveness. These benefits made LCDs the standard for most devices.

Light Emitting Diode, also known as LED, was introduced with LCDs in the early 2000s. This combination provided better brightness and contrast, as well as reduced energy consumption. Today, these screens are still commonly used in TV’s, monitors, smartphones and laptops.


How Screen Tech Has Evolved

Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) was commercialised in the late 2000s. These screens emit their own light, which allows for pitch black tones and vibrant colours. Today, these displays are still known for their superior image quality and they are used in high end smartphones, TVs and wearable devices.

Quantum Dot LED, or QLED was introduced in the mid-2010s. This technology utilises quantum dots to help improve brightness and colour accuracy and LED-backlit LCDs. This advancement can be found in premium TVs.


The Emerging Future Of Screen Tech


The following technologies are still very young and not yet commercially available, but they hold promise for revolutionising screen tech as we know it.

MicroLED is still in its early stages, but it has the same benefits as OLED with improved brightness. It is also much more durable and could potentially be used for upcoming TV designs and Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) devices.

Perovskite Light Emitting Diode (PeLED) is the newest screen tech advancement. It has the potential to transform displays to make them highly efficient and multi-functional, while also being capable of emitting and absorbing light. This technology could potentially be used in smartphones and tablets.

In conclusion, screen tech, having evolved from it’s humble beginnings as displays for the first bulky televisions to the experimental phases of PeLED which could completely transform the ways we interact with our devices, plays a crucial part in our lives today. It’s history demonstrates how advancement in this field can be exciting and continues to improve our lives.