Professional Email Search With


Finding the email addresses of the right people is one of the most important aspects of of email marketing. You can spend all your free time planning an awesome campaign, with an offer people simply cannot refuse when they see it. But what is the sense in this if you have no people to send emails to?

Using various extensions and tools that search for email addresses on websites is surely a nice idea. However, using only the extension isn’t quite enough. What if you need to find emails associated with a definite domain? And what if you still haven’t found the correct company?

You can perform an advanced professional email search with The platform offers such features as Domain Search and Company Profile Search.

Find Email Addresses From a Specific Domain with Domain Search tool, as the name suggests, lets you swiftly find authentic email addresses that are connected to a definite web domain. Using this feature, you get quick and instant access to numerous useful email addresses to grow your network.

Click the Tools tab and, in the drop-down menu, the Domain Search button. You are redirected to a page where you can perform a domain search. In the search field, type in the domain name and click the search button.

When the search is over, you will see all the emails associated with this domain. To save the addresses, select the necessary ones and add them to a new list or an existing one. If you click the company name, you will get a set of information about it. This is location, website, other companies on this domain, corporate contacts, and many others.


If you click another company name associated with the same domain (if there are some), you will be transferred to a kind of the same-looking page of the particular company. Dig deeper into the company information database. This way you can extend the sourcing resources and create a really big prospect list.

Searching for the Emails of Company Personnel

The next way of searching is Company Profile Search. If you are looking for precise information regarding any company, this feature is just the thing. You can find any company depending on the filters and search parameters. It only requires minor details about location and industry. All other fields are optional. Just fill the fields up. This tool helps you to find email addresses and contact the right person in the necessary position.


When the platform finishes the search, the list of companies appears.


Choose the emails you need and add them to a new list or a Companies List.


Like in Domain Search, you can click the company name and get the structured information with all the domain and personal emails, generic contacts, used technologies, etc.


Benefits of Advanced Search

Using the Email Finder as a web application, you will get much more profit. What exactly?

Time-saving: It’s easy enough for users of all skill levels to use. It won’t take you much time to see how everything works.

Prospecting functionality: The platform offers additional information about the audience like location, industry, specialities, other companies domains, etc.

Accuracy rates for found email addresses: The given information about a company and leads helps to get exactly what one needs.

Email finder tool can help find specific contact within a target organisation or speed up the process of looking for a definite company or domain names.

Conclusion on

The Email Finder quickly helps grab prospects’ email addresses associated with a definite domain name and you can easily perform a company profile search to find the right people. These instruments give you the ability to grow email lists by searching for title or company name, industry or leads specialties. Finding the people you need has never been easier! What is better about is that except for Email Finder it also offers other tools like Email Verifier, Email Drip Campaigns and others.