How The Rise Of Grief Tech Comforts The Broken Hearted

BBC reported that James Vlahos embarked on a unique project after learning of his father’s terminal cancer diagnosis in 2016. Wanting to preserve his father’s memories, James recorded hours of his father’s life story. As he delved into AI exploration, he transformed these recordings into an AI-powered chatbot, enabling conversations in his father’s voice. Following his father’s passing in 2017, James established HereafterAI, allowing others to create similar chatbots for their loved ones.

Meanwhile, South Korea’s DeepBrain AI takes it a step further, creating video-based avatars capturing mannerisms and voices. The “grief tech” sector, valued at over £100bn globally, has seen growth which has been accelerated by the pandemic, but experts emphasise the irreplaceable role of human support in grief processing.

In recent years, there’s been a surge in discussions surrounding “grief tech” and “death tech.” But what exactly do these terms mean, and why are they gaining so much traction and popularity?


What Is Grief Tech?


Grief tech refers to technological solutions aimed at helping individuals cope with the loss of a loved one. These technologies often include platforms or apps that assist in administrative tasks following a death, such as notifying relevant organisations or managing legal paperwork.

Additionally, grief tech may encompass tools that preserve memories of the deceased, such as AI-powered chatbots or virtual avatars, allowing users to interact with digitised versions of their loved ones.


What Is Death Tech?


On the other hand, death tech refers to a broader spectrum of technologies related to end-of-life matters, including funeral planning, estate management, and digital legacy preservation. This can involve online platforms for arranging funerals, digitising wills and other legal documents, and creating virtual memorials or online repositories for sharing memories.

Death tech aims to streamline and modernise various aspects of the end-of-life process, offering convenience and support to individuals and families during difficult times.


A Digital Afterlife


The concept of a digital afterlife arises from the desire to preserve and interact with the digital remnants of deceased loved ones. In today’s world, where much of our lives are documented online, grief tech companies offer ways to create interactive avatars or holographic representations based on recorded footage and audio. These technologies aim to comfort by enabling individuals to revisit memories and have simulated conversations with their departed loved ones.

However, the rise of digital avatars also raises ethical concerns regarding privacy, data manipulation, and the potential disruption of the grieving process. While some see these innovations as a way to maintain connections and keep memories alive, others worry about the implications of creating AI clones and the impact on emotional healing.

As the debate continues, there is a growing need for clear legal frameworks and ethical guidelines to navigate this evolving landscape responsibly. Ultimately, the quest for digital immortality encourages reflection on the balance between technological advancement and ethical considerations in preserving our digital legacies.


The Rise Of Grief Tech And Death Tech


The rise in popularity of grief tech and death tech can be attributed to the increasing need for ways to cope with loss and maintain connections in a digital world. These technologies, such as AI-generated avatars and interactive apps, enable individuals to engage with digital versions of their deceased loved ones, providing comfort during the mourning process.

This is particularly significant in cultures like China, where there is a long tradition of communicating with the dead. These tools offer a modern take on age-old practices, allowing people to seek solace from departed family members.

Advancements in AI technology have made these services more accessible and affordable, resulting in widespread adoption. Companies like HereafterAI, DeepBrain AI, Silicon Intelligence and Super Brain have developed tools that can create lifelike avatars based on photos, videos, and audio recordings, enabling users to have conversations and even video calls with their deceased relatives.

Despite concerns about the ethical implications and potential negative effects on mental health, the demand for these services continues to grow, driven by the desire to preserve memories and maintain emotional connections with loved ones.


As the popularity of grief tech and death tech continues to rise, it’s essential to consider the implications and ethical concerns surrounding these technologies. While advancements in AI have made it possible to create lifelike avatars and interactive apps for engaging with deceased loved ones, questions remain about the impact on mental health and the grieving process.As the debate unfolds, there is a growing demand for clear legal frameworks and ethical guidelines to navigate these innovations responsibly.

Startups Helping People Mourn Lost Loved Ones


Several startups are leveraging AI to assist individuals in their grieving process. Through advanced technology, these companies aim to provide comfort and solace to those who have lost loved ones. By creating lifelike avatars and facilitating virtual interactions, they offer unique ways for people to commemorate and remember the deceased.


Seance AI

 Seance AI


Seance AI, created by AE Studio, offers users a unique way to connect with the memories of deceased loved ones. Using advanced AI, it recreates personalities, voices, and writing styles to facilitate virtual conversations.

This technology aims to support mourning by providing a comforting, interactive experience, helping individuals feel closer to those they’ve lost. Seance AI combines artificial intelligence with storytelling to offer a modern approach to preserving emotional connections.


HereAfter AI


HereAfter AI


HereAfter AI offers an innovative way to preserve memories using artificial intelligence. The app interviews users about their lives, recording stories and memories in their own voice. These recordings, along with photos, are securely stored and can be accessed by loved ones.

This service provides comfort to those mourning by allowing them to hear meaningful stories and maintain a connection with the deceased. HereAfter AI makes it easy to share and relive precious moments through a virtual, interactive experience.


DeepBrain AI


DeepBrain AI


DeepBrain AI is a company that leverages advanced artificial intelligence to create realistic AI avatars and transform text into engaging videos. Their platform offers features like natural text-to-speech, avatar gesture control, and multi-language support.

By using DeepBrain AI’s technology, users can create personalised, interactive videos that help in various fields, including education, marketing, and customer service.

This service can also support the mourning process by preserving and sharing cherished memories through lifelike digital representations of loved ones.






StoryFile is a company that specialises in conversational video technology, allowing users to create interactive, AI-driven video experiences. This technology is particularly beneficial for those mourning a loss, as it enables users to preserve the memories and voices of their loved ones.

By creating interactive, lifelike video conversations, StoryFile provides a unique way for individuals to revisit cherished memories and maintain a sense of connection with those who have passed away.






Replika is an AI companion designed to provide users with a virtual friend who is always available to chat and offer support. Accessible on various platforms, including iOS, Android, and Oculus, Replika learns from interactions to become a personalised companion.

It can help users cope with loneliness and grief by offering a non-judgmental space for conversation, helping individuals to express themselves and maintain emotional connections, especially during difficult times.