Why Should Small Businesses Invest In Antivirus Protection?

Every business needs to use the Internet in some way for day-to-day operations. Whether it’s an e-commerce brand who sells products online or simply sending an e-mail. Everyone utilises connectivity in some way or other.

Cybercriminals have cashed in on this digital necessity, and cybercrime has been on the rise significantly in the last few years.

According to Agility Cyber, 53% of UK businesses encounter some form of cybercrime attempt at least once a month.

In a recent study, it was found that 70% of business owners expect a cyber attack in the near future. However, only around 35% feel that they are adequately prepared for it.


Are Small Businesses At Risk?


It’s a common misconception that only large enterprises are targets of cybercrime. In reality, anyone can be a target whether it be a corporation, individual or small business.

Small businesses are particularly at risk, because they usually don’t have the financial means to resolve issues caused by cybercrime.

An Astra Security audit revealed that 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at these small businesses. The most frightening part, though, is that more than half of these businesses will close as a result of the damage.

Considering the amount of time, effort and dedication that goes into building a business from scratch, it’s one of the most devastating ways to end.


Will Small Businesses Benefit From Antivirus Protection?


The question is, why are so many small businesses targeted? Most don’t have robust security measures in place that bigger companies will invest in. Cybercriminals know this, and it makes them an easier target.

Antivirus software is one of the most effective safety precautions without breaking the bank. It works by detecting suspicious activity and removing the associated links or files before they escalate.

Let’s take a look at how small businesses can benefit from using an antivirus software on their devices.



It Prevents Data Breaches While Protecting Sensitive Information


A breach of customer data can be detrimental to a small business. Most of them have built authentic connections with their customers who choose to support them. If their data is leaked, it can result in a loss of trust and they could consequently lose the customer.

However, antivirus software continuously monitors all activity on devices including files or apps that are downloaded. These downloads are scanned for viruses, malware or any other cyber threats. If detected, they are subsequently removed.

Most antivirus programs also use real-time detection and firewalls to protect confidential information, which makes it harder for cybercriminals to access.


It Is A Cost-Effective Solution


The majority of antivirus programs offer packages with different pricing options. These make them quite affordable, and an inexpensive investment for security measures.

Most are also scalable, so businesses of any size can benefit from using them. For smaller businesses on tight budgets, they can still find the option that best suits their budgets while offering protection.

The reality is, if a cybercrime does take place, there are costly consequences for legal fees and lost revenue if operations are interrupted. In the long run, it makes more financial sense to invest in an antivirus software with a small monthly subscription fee as opposed to paying these larger costs.


Likelihood Of Ransomware Is Reduced


Ransomware is one of the most common, and damaging, cyber threats that businesses face.

When ransomware is loaded onto a device, it locks the administrators out of their systems. The cybercriminals then demand an amount of money in return for a ‘key’ that will unlock the system and give business owners their access back.

However, antivirus software can detect the ransomware and isolate it before it continues to block authorisation. This can go a long way in saving small businesses from costly ransom amounts which they may not even have available.


It Protects Devices Of Remote Workers


It’s not uncommon for small businesses to have employees who work from home occasionally or full-time. It has proven to be an effective way of working, and businesses save on unnecessary rental costs.

Business owners still need to be vigilant about their employee’s devices, especially if they aren’t educated on cyber threats such as phishing attempts which are done so sophisticatedly. They could unknowingly download a virus or malware onto their devices, and open the door for cybercriminals.

By having an antivirus program on every employee’s device, it reduces the risk of this happening on an unsecured device. Most software will also have one centralised dashboard where business owners can check that all remote worker’s devices are updated with the latest software versions.


Are Antivirus Programs Worth It?


For small businesses who are particularly at risk, having an antivirus software provides an additional layer of security and peace of mind.

It’s a proactive way of mitigating cyber threats before they can become destructive. This way, small businesses can protect their sensitive information and focus on building their businesses as well as customer relationships.