What Is Spatial Computing And Is It More Than Just A Trend?

In a recent report by VentureBeat, Deloitte challenges the idea that spatial computing is just a passing trend, despite lackluster responses to recent wearable technologies like the Apple Vision Pro. While reviews have been mixed, Deloitte argues that spatial computing, which merges physical and digital worlds, will be the future of interaction.

According to Deloitte’s chief futurist, Mike Bechtel, spatial computing aims to enhance reality rather than escape it, enriching lived experiences by overlaying digital elements. Despite current hardware limitations, Deloitte sees a promising future for spatial computing.

Spatial computing has potential to transform productivity by blending digital elements into our physical environment. With products already integrating this technology, daily tasks are becoming more intuitive, hinting at a future where technology enhances our lives in futuristic ways.


What Is Spatial Computing?


Spatial computing is the concept of integrating digital elements into physical environments to improve interactions and actions that involve people, machines, objects, and surroundings. The term was first used in 2003 by MIT Media Lab alumni Simon Greenwold and has since become a practical technology thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, computer vision, camera sensors, IoT, and augmented reality.

This technology has the potential to revolutionise industrial operations, especially for frontline workers in factories, worksites, and warehouses. It does this by providing enhanced dimensional context for enterprise actions and interactions through digital augmentation.


How Does Spatial Computing Work?


Spatial computing works differently from traditional computing, which operates in two dimensions. It combines 3D-contextualised information, data, and logic to merge the digital and physical worlds more accurately. This is achieved using various data sources like IoT sensors, sophisticated analytics, and 3D models.

The data is contextualised for a three-dimensional world using computer vision, volumetric cameras, and other technologies. This integration enables virtual and physical environments to seamlessly interact, allowing digital objects to coexist and interact with the real world. This integration has many applications, including real-time collaboration, improved training, enhanced customer service, increased productivity, cost reduction, and sustainability improvements.



5 Spacial Computing Devices Making People’s Lives Easier


Spatial computing promises to redefine how we engage with our surroundings, and several tech devices are already leveraging this technology to streamline daily tasks. Here, we explore three products and two concepts of spatial computing:


1. AR Glasses: With AR glasses, you can receive real-time directions overlaid on your view as you navigate or instantly translate languages by seeing text appearing above speakers’ words. AR glasses merge digital information with the real world, enhancing activities like navigation and communication.

2. VR Headsets: VR offers more than just immersive entertainment. It has potential for productivity and education. You can attend virtual meetings in collaborative spaces or embark on 3D tours of historical sites ā€“ all from the comfort of your home.

3. Smart Glasses For Professionals: Tailored for specific workplaces, these glasses empower professionals with hands-free access to vital information. Mechanics can view repair instructions overlaid on machinery, while surgeons can receive real-time patient data during procedures.

4. Spatial Computing Phones (Concept): Although not yet available, future phone technology could introduce spatial computing features that enable hologram projection and interaction with real-world objects. This innovation could revolutionise gaming and design by allowing users to manipulate 3D objects directly with their phones.

5. Smart Home Devices With Spatial Awareness (Concept): Imagine a home environment that anticipates your needs ā€“ thermostats adjusting temperature based on your location, or speakers following you for seamless audio. Although still in early stages, spatial computing holds promise for creating smarter, more responsive homes.


As spatial computing continues to evolve, it’s clear that its integration into everyday life has the potential to enhance productivity and convenience. Despite initial challenges with wearable technologies, the concept of merging digital elements into our physical environment offers promising opportunities for future innovation.

With ongoing advancements and the development of new devices, spatial computing is poised to revolutionise how we interact with technology and our surroundings, paving the way for a more intuitive and efficient future.