14. Alejandra de Brunner, Age 21

Alejandra de Brunner

Company: The Ethos Network

Age: 21

Website: https://theethosnetwork.com/

Business: The Ethos Network is a social network that encourages its users to engage and learn from each other with social responsibility at its heart.

About Alejandra and The Ethos Network

Alejandra founded The Ethos Network in 2020 when she was just 19 and studying at UCL. The network is a social media platform that aims to offer a socially responsible alternative to social media sites. The Ethos Network was built because Alejandra found she was missing a place to find dedicated information on social matters. With its focus on Gen Z, Alejandra has stated that she chose this group focus because “young people have a passion for driving positive change and are passionate advocators of social change”.

Alejandra has said that she is grateful for her social group being the target as it has allowed her to test the network since its creation. Keen to build upon the network, she has also ensured that she has identified gaps and has contacted senior figures that are dedicated to social causes and have the desire to support young people with their personal development.


The unique selling point of The Ethos Network is that it allows users to build their own profiles centred around the social issues they are passionate about whilst also finding new causes that may interest them. At its core, The Ethos Network is a dedicated space for all those issues that draw young people together providing a safe space to have those discussions.

Launching in 2020, The Ethos Network has had a pre-money valuation of £2.78 million and has ambitious plans to have 30 million active monthly users by 2025. Alejandra is also looking at ways to partner with sustainable and socially ethical brands and intends to find ways to connect those businesses with its users.



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