Top 10 Best Network Security Software and Providers

Network security is an essential step to ensuring your online safety. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about network security.


What is Network Security?


Network security software offers customers multiple levels of security to their devices and network. It protects access to files and directories in your computer network against threats such as hacking and cyberattacks. 

An example of network security is anti-virus software.

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What are the 3 Components of Network Security?


The 3 components of network security are hardware, software, and cloud services.

  1. Hardware appliances are physical devices that protect your devices, scanning your system or monitoring network traffic. For example, firewalls and proxy servers would be classed as network security hardware. 
  2. Network security software includes antivirus applications. It can be installed to add an extra necessary layer of threat prevention. 
  3. Cloud services look at the traffic coming into your cloud network and block potential threats. 

Network security systems can use a combination of these different types of network security components to create a layered defence system. This provides multiple barriers that attackers would have to pass in order to cause harm to your devices. 

Speak to us for network security products for:

  • Small businesses and SMEs
  • Large business and organisations
  • Startups and tech companies
  • Offices
  • Working from home


Why is Network Security Important?


Network security is important because it prevents cyberattacks and ensures that your sensitive data is kept safe from hackers. Network security prevents data breaches, protecting confidential data.


How Does Network Security Software Work?


There are various features that constitute network security such as firewalls, VPNs, cloud security, endpoint protection, and secure web gateways. In general, network security works by a system of authentication and authorisation.

Authentication ensures that only people who have permission to enter the network can enter it. It verifies that the person trying to enter is a member belonging to the network, and prevents entry to anyone else.

Authorisation decides the level of access that will be provided to a newly authenticated user. Different users are granted different levels of access. The admin is allowed to access the entire network, but those within it can be restricted to certain areas within the network. 


Will Network Security Software Slow My Computer?


No, a good network security provider should actually make your network run faster.

If you find a system that does not have redundant features which slow it down, it should make your browsing experience faster and smoother. The key is to make sure that your system is not crippled by data caps or restrictions. 


Do I Need a Network Security Provider For My Business?


Yes. Network security is essential to keep your clients’ data safe, as well as your own. Many organisations store data that isn’t theirs, such as accounting firms and aesthetic clinics. Often this data is sensitive, so keeping it secure is extremely important for businesses and their clients.

Often network security is not just an added precaution but a legal requirement. For example,  organisations In the EU that deal with the data of EU citizens must comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


What Network Security Features Should I Consider?

The features you should consider might change with your needs, but some basic features you would expect would include up-to-date antivirus scans, a strong firewall, secure remote connectivity, and fast reporting of threats.

Some users might prioritise security systems that work on a broad range of devices, whereas others prioritise faster connections or an easy-to-use central control system. This is why it is important to understand your own needs as a user and to read up on your options.

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How Much Does Network Security Provider Cost? 

Network security’s cost ranges from an average of £5 – £10 per user per month. This is a relatively cheap investment, especially when you purchase a years’ worth of protection in one go instead of paying month by month.

It is worth remembering that a cyber attack can cost businesses and individuals millions of pounds.


Best Network Security Softwares to Use



  • Effective auto-kill switch
  • Works with almost every device 
  • Teams feature to manage employees’ security
  • Fast connection
  • Military-grade security

One of the better-known companies on this list, Nord Security offers more than just their famous VPN services. Their network security system is an all-rounder, with fast speeds and the ability to connect multiple devices.

Their Teams feature allows you to manage the security of all your employees, quickly adding them with a few clicks and managing them all in one dashboard. This prevents remote workers from having to install their own VPNs. 

Nord offers 24/7 live chat support, and is hardware-free, which makes it more easily scalable. 

Nord is a great option for people new to network security as they offer a free trial. 


WatchGuard Network Security

  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Secure Wi-Fi
  • Fast speeds
  • Easy to use

WatchGuard Network Security has been providing network security and firewall software for over 20 years. 

It offers enterprise-grade security tools to businesses, including secure Wi-Fi and network intelligence products which evolve to keep up with constantly-changing cyber threats.

This network security technology is extremely easy to use, manage, and deploy. It is a great all-rounder for people who want a product that does not require maintenance or hassle.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security

  • Activity monitoring
  • Secure firewalls 
  • Central administration control
  • Fast threat response
  • Intrusion detection system

Kaspersky Endpoint Security is a network security solution that provides multiple layers of protection to its users.

This system offers a central administration control, making it easy to use for businesses, and robust firewalls and anti-malware tools that will benefit individuals too. It is easy to use, and gives users access to a host of tools.

It provides protection in the cloud and on-premises, making it a good option for users who rely on the cloud for storage of vulnerable data.


ESET Endpoint

  • Access control
  • Activity monitoring
  • Secure firewalls
  • Intrusion detection system

ESET Endpoint Protection Standard was specifically designed to provide strong endpoint protection.

This system allows users to implement security features via a remote administrator feature. This is a good choice for users who are concerned about threat detection.



  • Global intelligence 
  • Efficient virus scans
  • Advanced URL protection
  • Easy to set up

Symantec Advanced Threat Protection works to remediate advanced attacks. 

Symantec takes intelligence from endpoint, network, and email control points, and its own global sensor network. These are combined  to prevent threats that initially evade individual security products. 

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  • Efficient automated patching system
  • Excellent mobile app
  • Attentive support team
  • Frequent updates

NinjaOne (formerly NinjaRMM) is designed to help day-to-day security management. It provides monitoring and demote management tools, getting insights at a glance.

Ninja is cloud native, meaning you can complete tasks faster. With responsive UI and fast speeds, Ninja helps users get tasks done faster.

Ninja offers 24/5 support and no contracts. Their pay-per-device system allows people to save money if they know they do not use many devices.


Perimeter 81 

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  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Automatic Wi-Fi Protection
  • Complete VPN Encryption

Perimeter 81 is a robust, multi-level network security tool that offers full VPN encryption, meaning no device will be able to access your data without first connecting through Perimeter 81. 

It offers a single management panel, making it easy to manage. Users can view endpoints, deploy regional gateways, and prevent any access happening without authorisation.



  • Good alerting system
  • PCI ready
  • Easy to use

Qualys Cloud Platform (formerly Qualysguard) is cloud-based network security and vulnerability management software.

They offer app scanning and security, network device mapping and detection, as well as other tools that focus on vulnerability management and reduction of network attacks.



  • Constantly evolving
  • Good security analysis
  • Customisable alerts

Darktrace is a network security system that utilises machine learning autonomous network traffic analysis software. This is used to provide a continuously-evolving system that detects new threats.

With an intuitive layout, Darktrace allows users to customise their user experience. It monitors your network for unusual behaviour and its machine learning capabilities allow it to learn what is normal for your individual network. This enables it to respond effectively to suspicious threats while ignoring harmless activity.


SolarWinds RMM

  • Threat intelligence
  • SIEM security and monitoring

SolarWinds RMM is a remote network security software that is a great choice for people who need to execute performance and security checks remotely. It allows you to do these checks over different devices and servers.