19. Nadine Campbell – ACE Entrepreneurs

Company: ACE Entrepreneurs

Website: https://www.aceentrepreneurs.com/

Business: ACE Entrepreneurs is an end-to-end startup ecosystem for diverse entrepreneurs and The Digital Helpdesk is a freelance marketing consultancy working with a client base of global brands and agencies.

Nadine Campbell And ACE Entrepreneurs


ACE Entrepreneurs is an end-to-end startup ecosystem for diverse entrepreneurs and The Digital Helpdesk is a freelance marketing consultancy working with a client base of global brands and agencies. Both are multi-award-winning businesses. I have a passion for business strategy, development and growth and thrive in overcoming business challenges on both the startup side and working with multi-million-pound brands.


ace entrepreneurs


“The biggest challenge was growing the ACE community to achieve impact and cut through in the startup ecosystem. The aim was to connect with as many diverse, self-employed people & entrepreneurs as possible. Initially, growth was slow, adjusting from a corporate non-diverse industry to a diverse but disparate community, mostly operating in silos. However, as the community connected and discussed common issues, we quickly grew organically, staying connected using social media, podcasts & business events. At my first business exhibition in 2021, members were connecting and joining ACE at my stand for 9 hours straight, it was incredible!”

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