10 Startups To Watch In Argentina

Argentina has a buzzing startup scene, with more innovations coming from this South American country every year.

As we continue exploring startups around the world, here are 10 Argentinian startups making waves on the global stage…


1. uSound – Transforming Smartphones Into Hearing Aids



uSound has made a huge impact on the hearing aid industry by creating a smart audio system that turns smartphones into low-cost hearing aids.

By creating a smartphone app that turns smartphones into microphones, users are able to listen to sounds around them through their headphones. Additionally, the app can provide reports that users can share with their doctors to track and test their hearing loss.

This innovative approach not only makes hearing aids more accessible but also helps leverage the use of smartphones.


2. MindHub – Digital Tech Bootcamps



MindHub is addressing the digital skills gap by offering bootcamps focused on teaching digital tech for employment.

The bootcamps cover skills like website development, coding and web page building. Their bootcamps have have trained more than 2000 people to date, with many of their graduates going on to work as Full Stack developers in major companies.


3. RedPanal – Collaborative Music Creation Platform


RedPanal - Apps on Google Play


RedPanalis an online community that is changing music creation through collaboration.

It allows music lovers to connect and create music together online, no matter where they live. This innovative approach to music production makes RedPanal a great option for musical creatives worldwide.


4. Tell – AI For Neurocognitive Disease Diagnosis



Tell uses technology to diagnose and treat neurocognitive diseases using speech analysis. The startup works by using natural speech metrics to analyse users’ brain health.

From there, users can speak to their doctors in a multitude of languages to deliver the results

This non-invasive way to get fast and objective insights has been developed by a team of experts in fields such as neurolinguistics, brain health, software
development, and multicentric operations.


5. Carbon Scale – Carbon Offset Rewards


About Carbon Scale - F6S Profile


Carbon Scale works by partnering farmers with people who want to offset their carbon. The startup works in two ways: first, carbon offsetting is sold to individuals, then Carbon Scale’s partnership farmers are given financial incentives to reduce their methane production.

This way, the company is able to their their profits with the farmers implementing the changes, helping to drive financial equality in Argentina.



6. Boostribe – Connecting Entrepreneurs In Buenos Aires


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Boostribe focuses on connecting entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires. This startup helps to foster a community where ideas and support flow.

Through live online meetings, chatrooms and events, entrepreneur’s are able to meet, network and help eachother achieve financial success.


7. Carbo Energy – Enhancing Energy Storage


About Carbo Energy - F6S Profile


Carbo Energy is committed to improving energy storage solutions with their state of the art Redox flow battery (RBS).

This company is built on the premise that renewable energy adoption is growing quickly, likely creating more energy than we can consume.

The current grid is not built with renewables in mind, and so new innovations need to be created in the space. Currently in a funding round, Carbo Energy is set to redefine how we store energy.


8. nippy – WorkerTech Platform For Gig Economy Workers



nippy is a workertech platform designed for gig economy workers, addressing the unique challenges they face. This platform is setting out to transform the lives of independent workers and positively impact their projects.

Through their membership platform, workers can access insurance, discounts, legal and accounting services amongst others. This platform is helping independent workers work … well, independently!


9. Cattler: AgriTech For Managing Cattle



Cattler is a one stop shop for cattle farmers, helping them manage key workflows like feeding, supplies, cattle management and yard management.

The app allows farmers to seamlessly track the health of their cattle, see how often they have been fed and where each animal is being held.  This innovative FarmTech is already helping farmers in Argentina streamline their operations.


10. Tomorrow Foods: Plant Based Protein



Tomorrow Foods | Protein Report


Tomorrow foods is a plant-based protein company, who have become famous for their plant based burgers. In a region synonymous with meat eating, Tomorrow Foods is paving the way for more sustainable eating habits.

From their locally sourced crops, including peas, rice and beans, their product range has expanded to include meatballs, mince and patties.


These ten Argentinian startups are not just companies to watch; they’re trailblazers. Not only are they making an impact in Argentina, many of them are changing industries worldwide.