What Is HR Software?

HR software denotes a digital tool designed for overseeing and enhancing an organisation’s daily human resources activities and overarching HR objectives. With the aid of HR software, HR personnel and managers can redirect their focus from mundane administrative duties to more valuable and lucrative endeavours. 

In today’s landscape, the majority of these new systems are cloud-based, offered on a subscription basis, seamlessly compatible with other data management applications, and exceedingly adaptable to cater to the specific requirements, objectives, and budget constraints of each unique company. In essence, there exists an HR software solution tailored to the needs and characteristics of organisations of every size and nature.

Companies That offer human resources software solutions in the UK include:

  1. Rippling
  2. Deel
  3. BrightHR
  4. Factorial


What Are The Types of HR Software Solutions? 


The increasing popularity of HR software has flooded the market with various software solutions from multiple developers. Acronyms such as HRIS, HCM, and HRMS have left many individuals puzzled. Discover the three main types of HR software solutions here. 

Human Resource Information System (HRIS)


Among these three systems, this human resource information systems (HRIS) in particular, is likely the most widely adopted, primarily concentrating on the organisation of employee data. The gathering and retention of this data play a pivotal role in facilitating various functions, including:

Efficiency: Centralising all this information not only enhances accuracy but also significantly streamlines processes, saving valuable time. Some organisations still rely on physical paperwork for employee data, which can be time-consuming when searching for the right folder or document.

Record-keeping: An HRIS serves as a comprehensive record-keeping system that meticulously logs changes related to employees. It functions as the authoritative source for personnel data.

Time Tracking and Attendance: The system automatically logs employee work hours when they clock in and out, facilitating accurate timesheet management.

Compliance: Certain data is collected and stored in compliance with regulatory requirements. This encompasses details necessary for employee identification in cases of theft, fraud, or misconduct, initial contact information for accident reporting, citizen identification data for tax purposes, and expiration dates for mandatory certifications. All such information can be securely stored in the HRIS, aligning with GDPR regulations.

HR Strategy: The HRIS facilitates the tracking of data crucial for advancing HR and business strategies. The specific data to be tracked may vary depending on the organisation’s priorities, and the HRIS excels in this regard.

Onboarding: HRIS streamlines the onboarding process by allowing new employees to input their information just once, automatically updating records in the appropriate departments. This is just one example of how it enhances the onboarding experience.


Human Capital Management (HCM)


HCM is an extension of HRIS, encompassing similar functionalities but providing more intricate solutions. HCM places a strong focus on an employee’s journey within the organisation, spanning from talent acquisition and management to optimisation.

Human Capital Management delves deeply into employees’ career journeys to ensure job satisfaction and high retention rates. Furthermore, the system can be customised to meet the specific needs of each organisation, emphasising particular people management practices and processes.


Human Resource Management System (HRMS)


Now, let’s explore the most advanced among the three – the Human Resource Management System (HRMS). This robust HR software combines the functionalities of HRIS and HCM while placing additional focus on the administrative facets of employee relations.

The handling of time and labour reaches a heightened level of intricacy, incorporating an automated payroll system for precise wage calculations. HRMS is designed to enhance efficiency by generating productivity reports and conducting in-depth analyses.


Why Use Human Resources Software For Business? 


As the work landscape undergoes transformation, companies must also adapt their workforce management strategies. To align with the demands of a contemporary workplace and to attract top-tier talent, businesses should make investments in new technology, aiming to enhance the employee experience and bolster their financial performance.

Human resources software, through task automation and data management, not only conserves valuable time but also minimises the burden of paperwork. With all the necessary information readily accessible to HR teams at the click of a button, the occurrence of errors diminishes, compliance risks decrease, and policies become consistently enforced.

By streamlining processes and diminishing paperwork, organisations have the opportunity to reshape the roles of both managers and employees, fostering greater strategic engagement. HR software empowers employees to concentrate on more strategic, high-level responsibilities, which in turn leads to improved planning, enhanced strategic decision-making, and increased job satisfaction.


What HR Software Is Right For My Business?


Several essential components should be encompassed by the HR software you choose: recruitment and onboarding; employee management; compensation and benefits; employee development; performance management; and compliance.

When deciding, take into account factors like your preference for cloud-based or on-premises software, your budget, and scalability options. Consider the level of security, system flexibility, and user-friendliness as well.

A solid starting point for identifying the ideal HRIS software for your requirements is to locate one that efficiently and comprehensively addresses your fundamental needs.

Whether you operate a small home-based business, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large corporation, there exists an ideal HR software solution for you. It’s a matter of evaluating your specific needs alongside the system’s cost and complexity. Regardless of your choice, HR software is an indispensable asset in any contemporary organisation.