OpenAI And Microsoft Under Fire As More News Outlets Take Legal Action

Three more news websites, The Intercept, Raw Story, and AlterNet, are suing a company called OpenAI. They claim OpenAI used their news articles to teach their generative artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, without asking for permission.

This is against the law due to the stories being protected by copyright. John Byrne, a leader at Raw Story, strongly stated, “It is time that news organisations fight back against Big Tech’s continued attempts to monetise other people’s work.”

These publications argue that it isn’t fairor ethical for OpenAI to use their stories without citing or giving credits to the sources. Roxanne Cooper, associated with Raw Story, highlighted the effort behind their content: “Raw Story’s copyright-protected journalism is the result of significant efforts of human journalists who report the news.”


Who Else is Involved?


The legal challenge doesn’t stop with OpenAI. The Intercept has also sued Microsoft, OpenAI’s investor. Though, Raw Story and AlterNet have not sued Microsoft because they currently have business dealings with them.

This situation is part of a larger issue where others, like The New York Times and comedian Sarah Silverman, are also complaining about AI using their work without permission.

The complaints say that ChatGPT often plagiarises their articles. Annie Chabel from The Intercept voiced her concerns: “As newsrooms throughout the country are decimated by financial imperatives to cut back, OpenAI reaps the benefits of our content.”


Why Is This A Big Deal?


The lawsuits raise important questions about the rights of writers and journalists. They argue that their hard work and creativity should not be used for free.

This is especially important as news companies find it harder to generate as much income these days. The cases also show a growing worry about how AI might be using people’s work without proper credit or payment.

The news publications and sites are asking for at least $2,500 (about £1977) for each story that was used without permission. The end goal is for OpenAI to stop using their articles to train the new GenAI bot.

This could lead to big changes in how AI companies operate and how they use information from the internet.


What Do OpenAI and Microsoft Say?


OpenAI and Microsoft have not made detailed comments about these new lawsuits. But they have said before that they want to work with publishers.

Microsoft also mentioned that it would help pay for legal problems if someone sued over copyright issues with their AI products. This means they were aware of the thicall concerns as far as how they get the information for their AI.

In response to similar complaints, OpenAI has expressed its intention to work with content creators. “We hope this lawsuit will send a strong message to AI developers who chose to ignore our copyrights and free ride on the hard work of our journalists,” stated Annie Chabel, aiming to ensure respect and fair compensation for the content creators’ efforts.