Teachers Are Now Using ChatGPT To Grade Assessments

Writable, a new ChatGPT-powered tool, is completely changing the game for teachers from grades 3 to 12. Designed to make the marking process and curriculum development an easier one, Writable speaks to the issue of overburdened teachers.

Jack Lynch, CEO of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, discussed the tool’s growing popularity with teahers, saying, “We have a lot of teachers who are using the programme and are very excited about it.”

The software aims to reduce the time spent on grading while providing specific feedback for student improvement, a big factor in educational settings.

However, the introduction of such AI tools in education is not without controversy. Critics argue that while Writable promises efficiency, it may compromise the depth of understanding teachers have about their students’ needs and nuances in their work.

Also, there’s a concern over the AI’s accuracy ā€” known as ‘hallucinations’ ā€” especially when it comes to sensitive tasks like marking and curriculum development.

Despite these concerns, proponents believe Writable could greatly alleviate teachers’ workload, allowing them to devote more time to individual student interactions.


How Does Writable Work?


Writable changes traditional teaching methods by incorporating AI to grade student writing assignments.

The process begins when teachers upload student essays to the platform, which then analyzes the content using ChatGPT technology.


According to Axios, “The teacher submits the essays to Writable, which in turn runs them through ChatGPT. ChatGPT offers comments and observations to the teacher, who is supposed to review and tweak them before sending the feedback to the students.”

This method introduces a new concept called “human in the loop,” ensuring that teachers remain integral to the evaluation process.

Though the approach is innovative, there is ongoing debate regarding the ethical implications and efficacy of using AI in grading. Some educators may rely too heavily on automated feedback, potentially overlooking unique student insights or needs.

The concern extends to the potential for AI to misinterpret the subtleties of student writing, missing out on personal expressions or underlying issues.

Nonetheless, Lynch asserts that Writable is designed to empower teachers by streamlining grading and allowing them to concentrate on more impactful educational activities.


What Are the Implications for Education?


The integration of AI in education, as exemplified by Writable, signals a different era in time for teaching and grading practices. While the tool offers promising solutions to reduce teachers’ grading burdens, its impact on the educational experience remains a hot topic.

A poll by the National Coalition for Public School Options found mixed feelings among parents, with 45% in favour of using AI to evaluate academic performance. This indicates a cautious optimism toward integrating technology into education.

Although, the transition to AI-assisted teaching methods necessitates for teachers to keep in mind the potential disadvantages, including reduced personal interaction between teachers and students and the accuracy of AI-generated feedback.