64. Triptease

Company: Triptease

Co-Founder: Charlie Osmond

Website: https://www.triptease.com/

About Triptease


Increase your direct bookings – Full funnel marketing for hotels, powered by your unique price, market and customer data. We’re trusted by 10,000 hotels to drive success. The data sophistication of an OTA, for every hotel.

Great marketing starts from great data. The Triptease Data Marketing Platform connects your hotel to the hard-to-reach price, market and customer data that effective marketing campaigns depend on. Personalisation that goes way beyond your website and booking engine Triptease applies your unique data across the whole booking journey to personalise the customer experience everywhere – not just on your website.

  • Automatically reduce your price in metasearch results by just enough to win the booking when OTAs are undercutting you
  • Sync first-party data collected on your website straight to your CRM for use in email campaigns
  • Show customers their exact search dates and price in Retargeting ads

Make smart decisions fast in a high-velocity market

From automatically matching lower-priced OTAs in metasearch results to personalising your website and mobile experience for your specific guests in real time, Triptease data insights are designed for action. Speed up your customers’ decision to book direct and drive more revenue, faster. Marketing channels that automate the hard stuff

Capture first party data on your website and send it straight to your CRM, price-match OTAs who are undercutting you on metasearch and target the most valuable customers for your hotel all the way through their booking journey. Do all this and lots more automatically. One provider, one payment, no confusion – Never pay twice for the same booking. Triptease makes hotel marketers more efficient by automatically de-duplicating attribution across separate marketing channels. Save time, save money and provide a more consistent customer experience too!

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