3. Montezuma’s

Company: Montezuma’s

Founder: Helen Pattinson

Website: https://montezumas.co.uk


About Montezuma’s

When we had our lightbulb moment 20 years ago, deep in the heart of South America, we had already worked out the ideals with which we would run a business; should we ever be privileged enough to do so.

Those ideals were simply an extension of our personal values. We had both worked in many businesses where the focus had been on profit and not enough on looking after customers, suppliers, people and the environment. It seemed obvious to us that, whilst profit is important, our business should also be a fun place to work, we should do everything in our power to minimise our impact on the environment, pay a fair price to our suppliers and most importantly make extraordinary chocolate for our customers.

Twenty years later, those ideals have largely remained unchanged and if anything, as we have grown, we have improved controls as well as introduced many new ideas. We will never be finished and will always be working towards improving. To us, this is simply business done properly.

As of early 2020, every piece of packaging we produce is recyclable, biodegradable or compostable. That includes glue, ink, stickers and. It’s been a mammoth task and we are super proud of what we’ve achieved. In fact, we believe we’re the first chocolate company in the UK to be able to make this claim on our entire range. This is part of our ‘Waste not Want not’ campaign to ensure we make the best use of everything we produce. Even the rich in fats, the water co-product of the chocolate-making process gets sent to a local farm to be used for animal feed.

We love shaking up the chocolate market, not only with our packaging but also with our flavours. As the first company to bring chilli chocolate onto the high street, we are known for our bold combinations like our ‘Happy Hippy’ with orange and geranium. We know our chocolate is such good quality that we aren’t afraid to give it to customers straight up with our 100% cocoa ‘Absolute Black’. Be warned it is not for the faint-hearted, but it is our best seller!

Chocolate is at the heart of everything we do but being part of the local community is a top priority, whether it is around our HQ in Chichester or in the market cities home to our shops. We have worked with ‘Children on the Edge’ for 10 years and share the vision to make a difference in a real, genuine, and entrepreneurial way, using the most sustainable solutions. They support over 15,000 of the world’s most marginalised children through the provision of education and the creation of protective environments. Myself and some of our staff have been lucky enough to visit some of our projects and see first-hand, the important impact of our fundraising. Our goal this year is to raise over £40,000 for Children on the Edge along with the help of Pennies to collect microdonations in-store and online.


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