Weird And Wonderful World Of Pregnancy App Technology

From the weird, and perhaps wonderful, AI baby face prediction generators to the wonderful, and perhaps weird, ability to view your baby grow in real-time, it often feels like there’s an app for every aspect of pregnancy. Dive into the ever-expanding world of pregnancy apps and the captivating trends shaping this technology taking the world by storm.

Digital Empowerment in Pregnancy

Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) has recently introduced an app allowing women across Oxfordshire to access the Badger Notes app to record information about their pregnancies and access resources provided by midwives, as per a BBC report.

The Badger Notes app, already operational in several maternity units across the UK, replaces traditional paper-based maternity folders, aiming to enhance accessibility for pregnant women. Accessible via the website or by downloading the app, Badger Notes stores medical notes so that no matter what NHS institution you attend, any doctor or midwife using the system can seamlessly access your care and history notes.

“Digital notes are used widely across the NHS and help clinicians access information and provide a better – and safer – care experience for women in our community,” notes Jennifer Mearns, a Digital Midwife at OUH.

“Our aim is to increase choice and personalisation for women during their pregnancy journey, empowering them to take greater ownership of their maternity care by using Badger Notes, a more secure way of storing information than carrying the bulky paper file.”

Paula Gardner, Interim Chief Nursing Officer at OUH, said: “This is an exciting development for our families and our maternity staff, and I am thankful to all the staff who made it possible, as we strive to deliver compassionate excellence.”

The app showcases how technology can offer enhanced and more accessible support to women throughout their pregnancy journey. Instead of having their medical notes confined to hospital filing cabinets, women can now take control of this information, enabling them to add to their notes and be better informed during what can be a stressful and concerning period.

Additionally, midwives can enjoy the benefits of streamlined operations, as they no longer need to sift through cumbersome notes; they can swiftly access what they require via the app, facilitating efficiency and improved care delivery.

Expanding World of Pregnancy Apps


These days, there are apps for everything. So, why should pregnancy be any different? Long story short – it isn’t. It does really seem as though there are apps for everything when it comes to the pregnancy journey.

To showcase the diversity within the realm of pregnancy apps, let’s explore a new trend emerging in India. An app allows parents to outline the qualities they desire in their future children, whether it’s business prowess, creativity, or empathy, with hopes of instilling these traits in their offspring.

Whether or not this hope can come to fruition with the help of this app, it demonstrates the power, reliance, and even the trust that we put in apps today, even in circumstances as personal and vulnerable as the journey of pregnancy,

And to take a closer look at how whacky the world of pregnancy app technology has come, of course, artificial intelligence (AI) comes into the mix. Just take a look at TikTok and see the ‘Pregnancy AI filter’, allowing users to visualise their appearance during pregnancy. Moreover, it seems we’ve moved on from comparing babies during pregnancy to fruit and vegetables, today, there is an app that provides updates on size comparisons with over 40 Disney objects and characters.

These pregnancy apps have a more whimsical and unconventional feel to them, but there are also more conventional trends that continue to crop up as the pregnancy market expands. Let’s delve into them.

Top 5 Pregnancy App Trends


1. Pregnancy and Due Date Tracking

During the pregnancy journey, it’s common for expectant parents to visualise their baby’s size in comparison to objects like a mobile phone or an apple. However, modern apps enhance this experience by providing precise updates on the baby’s growth, offering weekly and even daily insights such as “Your baby can now hear sounds” or “Your baby now has fingernails”.

Moreover, mothers can receive real-time updates on the changes happening in their bodies throughout pregnancy, empowering parents with valuable information and understanding as they embark on this exciting journey, all made possible through the marvel of mobile technology.

2. Accessing Pregnancy Information

Pregnancy can be an exciting time, but it can also feel daunting and confusing. Whether you’ve been through it or not, there may be things you’re unsure about. This is why several apps have been designed by medical experts with up-to-date information on every stage of motherhood.

Expectant parents can take charge by delving into comprehensive resources covering topics ranging from breastfeeding to hospital bag essentials, and even delve into the scientific underpinnings of pregnancy studies. These apps prove invaluable, especially when access to immediate medical advice isn’t readily available.

3. Emphasising Wellness

The idea of ‘wellness’ has become increasingly prevalent in today’s society. This is essentially the idea of practising healthy habits daily to better yourself mentally and physically. While pregnancy circles around physical transformation, it equally emphasises the importance of mental health.

With the surge in apps dedicated to nurturing mental wellness, pregnancy apps now spotlight a broader spectrum of wellness practices. These include breathwork, meditation, and the rising popularity of hypnobirthing techniques, reflecting an evolving focus on holistic care during pregnancy.

4. All About Organisation

Pregnancy often feels bustling with numerous appointments and to-do lists, from needing to go and buy baby clothes to choosing a pram. Recognising this whirlwind, apps are now tailored to aid organisation.

From scheduling doctor appointments to sending reminders for baby essentials and offering contraction timers, these apps serve as invaluable tools for keeping track of all things pregnancy-related. Their aim is to streamline the journey, making it more manageable and less overwhelming.

5. Dad-Centric Apps

One must never overlook fathers throughout the pregnancy journey! While dads may have been sidelined in the past, confined to waiting rooms and pushed to the side of the journey, this dynamic has evolved significantly. Fathers are now recognised as essential and active participants in this journey, a shift reflected in modern apps.

Today’s apps are designed to support fathers comprehensively. They offer resources such as research articles to deepen their understanding of their partner’s body, wellness tools to help manage their own mental health and bolster confidence during the often stressful period, and practical guidance on how they can actively support their partner throughout the journey. These apps acknowledge and empower fathers, ensuring they feel informed and engaged every step of the way.