How Tech Changes Human Interactions With Nature

As technology evolves, it offers new ways for humans to perceive and engage with nature. Technological advancements contribute towards satisfying our innate biophilic tendencies and enriching our relationship with the natural world.

These technological advancements have the potential to transform how we perceive, interact with, and ultimately conserve the raw world around us, offering unmatched opportunities for research and engagement.


Conversations With A Whale


Researchers claim to have achieved a significant milestone by engaging in what they describe as the first direct conversation with a whale. Using underwater technology, scientists communicated with a 38-year-old humpback whale named Twain off the coast of Alaska. The exchange, which lasted over 20 minutes, involved sending out whale calls and analysing 36 responses, suggesting a form of interactive communication.

This breakthrough prompts speculation about its implications for understanding alien communication. Researchers hope that decoding the complex language of whales could pave the way for future encounters with extraterrestrial life. The advanced communication skills of humpback whales make them valuable subjects for studying non-human interaction strategies, potentially offering insights into communication with other intelligent beings.

The use of technology, such as underwater microphones and AI algorithms, plays a crucial role in facilitating these groundbreaking interactions. Project CETI, which harnesses artificial intelligence to interpret whale sounds, exemplifies how technology enables us to explore the mysteries of nature and potentially broaden our understanding of communication across species.


Musical Mushrooms


The recent phenomenon of mushroom music is captivating the online world, revealing yet another fascinating aspect of nature’s abilities. Similar to how music is often seen as a universal language among humans, fungi also demonstrate their own form of communication through bioelectric energy. Artists harness this energy to produce mesmerising tunes, offering a unique glimpse into the hidden world of fungi.



How does this mushroom music work? Fungi, like humans, send electrical signals to communicate and respond to their environment. These signals, though inaudible to us, can be converted into music through a process called Biodata Sonification. By connecting fungi to devices that measure electrical impulses, artists translate these signals into MIDI notes and control changes, creating captivating melodies.

This intersection of nature and technology not only provides us with enchanting music but also deepens our understanding of the natural world. By utilising innovative techniques, such as PlantWave and PLANTChoir, artists like Noa Kalos and Tarun Nayar showcase the relationship between humans, technology, and fungi.


Biophilia Meets Technology


Biophilia refers to the natural human tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. This means that humans have an inherent desire to be close to nature, driven by evolutionary history and the benefits of interacting with natural environments. Technological innovations play an important role in fulfilling this desire by providing ways for people to engage with nature, even in urban settings.

For example, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies allow individuals to experience simulated natural environments, providing a sense of connection to nature without physical presence. Additionally, nature-inspired design principles in architecture and urban planning integrate natural elements into built environments, creating spaces that promote well-being and enhance human-nature interactions.

Moreover, digital platforms and mobile applications provide ample opportunities to explore nature, observe wildlife, and learn about the environment. With the help of technology, citizen science initiatives allow people to participate in conservation efforts and scientific research, thus strengthening their bond with nature and promoting environmental responsibility.