17: Riannon Palmer, Age 25

riannon palmer

Company: Lem-uhn

Age: 25

Website: https://www.lem-uhn.com/

Business: PR & Communications


About Riannon and Lem-uhn

Riannon Palmer is the founder of and CEO of Lem-uhn, a positive PR and communications company. Launched in spring 2021, Lem-uhn was created to fill the void for an agency that prioritises positivity for both our clients and employees.

As we spend one-third of our life working, it’s important for individuals to feel happy at work. Incredibly 80% of individuals get the ‘Sunday night dread’ as the weekend comes to an end. Lem-uhn is creating a place where employees can love Mondays rather than dread them.




Agency life is notoriously busy with long hours and a high-stress load, with 90% of PR workers struggling with stress. Lem-uhn provides an alternative type of agency with the aim to help passionate professionals to do the job they love without the negative impact on their wellbeing. They encourage endorphin-filled activities such as puppy yoga, group fitness activities and bringing pets to work to create a happy workplace.

They work exclusively with positive brands that have the power to make people’s lives happier. By helping SMEs to grow, they’re able to ensure a greater positive impact on the world. They also offset their carbon impact to ensure they’re having a positive impact on the planet too.

Riannon commented:

“Being a young woman, it seemed far-fetched that I could start my own agency. I’d always seen older men in positions of power and leading agencies, and it is hard to imagine yourself in that position when you don’t see similar people in leading roles. I also thought I might not be taken seriously, however, my knowledge, ability and results have shone through. Our success, coupled with our positive ethos, has been a huge pull for businesses and we’ve been able to secure a big rooster of clients. You can see some of our results on our website and Instagram, as well as testimonials from our clients.”

“Starting a company has involved lots of hurdles, learning and growth. From learning the undertakings involved in running a business and employing people, to being made to change our company name after a company with the same name threatened legal action.”

“As the sole founder of a company, receiving an intimidating legal letter was initially daunting. We’d built up a great reputation and significant SEO which we initially believed would be lost with the rebrand. It was a lesson learnt and also provided the trigger for us to improve the quality of our brand with a subtle rebrand. At six months old, it also reminded us of our huge SEO achievements in such a short time.”

Lem-uhn’s plan for the next year is to continue to grow and expand the team to ensure no one is overworked and under unneeded stress and pressure. They’re currently in the process of moving from their first office into a bigger space to accommodate the growing team and they’re looking to hire for another couple of roles.

Riannon has a message of inspiration for all young people: “personally, I would also like to encourage more young people, especially those who may not have seen people like themselves found companies, to achieve their ambitions.”


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