27. eflow Global

Company: eflow Global

Founder: Ben Parker

Website: https://eflowglobal.com/



About eflow Global


Since 2004, eflow Global has become a key player in the reg-tech sector, focusing on simplifying complex compliance challenges for financial institutions. Its approach is grounded in practicality, aiming to make regulatory compliance more accessible and manageable for firms navigating the increasingly intricate landscape of financial regulations.

At the heart of its offering is PATH, a solution developed through two decades of dedicated research and development. This unique digital infrastructure combines the convenience of standard software solutions with the flexibility of customisation, a necessity in the face of global compliance requirements. PATH underpins eflow’s market-leading regulatory technology which includes solutions for transaction reporting, trade surveillance, eComms surveillance and Best 3x3cution. This holistic approach ensures that clients meet their compliance obligations without the expense and complexity that comes with selecting multiple vendors.

From the increase in the use of AI in trading, to the introduction of new regulations such as EMIR Refit and MiCA, the finance industry’s regulatory environment is ever-changing. This poses significant challenges for institutions in their efforts to remain compliant, especially those relying on rigid, legacy systems.

Historically, many compliance professionals felt the only way to meet these obligations was to dedicate significant budgets, teams of people, or countless hours of work to create a bespoke solution. However, this approach is flawed as solutions become outdated the moment they launch – they would need constant evolution and enhancement, which would require significant time and ongoing financial investment.

Recognising this, eflow built a regulatory ecosystem. It developed a scalable, adaptable platform capable of evolving with both regulatory changes and the specific needs of its clients. This approach not only conserves resources for both the company and its clients, but also enhances the longevity and relevance of its solutions, ensuring they are able to keep up with the dynamism of the regulatory landscape.

The impact of eflow’s approach is evidenced by the broad adoption of its solutions across the sector, with more than 110 financial institutions worldwide using its services. The breadth and diversity of eflow’s client base, ranging from tier one institutions to boutique brokers, is a testament to the effectiveness and reliability of its technology.

However, eflow goes beyond just providing technology services. All clients have access to an experienced team of account managers, analysts and technical support specialists. Between them, they can offer guidance and support on platform configuration, regulatory strategy, technical queries, and much more.

It’s an approach that not only provides the tools necessary for effective compliance but also positions eflow as a strategic partner to clients, ensuring they have everything they need to meet regulatory requirements confidently and efficiently.

Looking ahead, eflow remains committed to simplifying regulatory compliance for financial institutions. Its strategy focuses on being a platform-first SaaS business, dedicated to innovation and the continuous development of new products to meet evolving regulatory needs. With this approach, it seeks to consistently anticipate changes in the regulatory landscape and provide solutions that are not only relevant today but also adaptable for the future.




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