“International Women’s Day is a time to stop and celebrate the strength, independence and grit of women around the world. For me it’s a day to appreciate the achievements that women continue to accomplish silently, loudly, and always brilliantly. It’s also a day to reflect; looking back on how far we’ve come and respect the work we still have to do for true equality for all women.”
“We are very good at spinning plates and covid has added extra caregiving responsibilities to the performance. My message is to be true and authentic to yourself and remember to lean on the support of other women. 150 years ago women couldn’t go to university, 100 years ago we couldn’t vote and even 50 years ago we weren’t paid the same (although still a long way to go). All of these positive changes were made by groups of women. We are very powerful together; emotionally, mentally and professionally.”
“We’re our biggest personal critics and can easily project this on to others. At the start of the pandemic, I started a business support group with other female shop owners. Together we have shared research, info, rants and laughter. I don’t know what I would’ve done without it.”
“You’re at work for that exact reason – work. It’s important to not feel intimidated around the workplace, therefore, trust your skills and experience. Equally don’t be afraid to ask what you don’t know; there is no need for bravado to prove anything, nor is there any need to be reserved – go for what you want. Unfortunately sometimes you will meet conflict and narrow mindedness. In my opinion it’s best to reach out to female peers if found in this position, no matter if it’s an isolated situation. Don’t except it as ‘ok’.”
“Plan and plan some more. Many businesses start organically and grow suddenly, seemingly over night. If you haven’t got the structure and boundaries in place, you can become very overwhelmed very quickly. There is a point in a woman’s life where we are the main caregivers for parents, children and/or partners. Managing a business at the same time can be challenging if you haven’t got that structure in place.”
“There are so many business courses out there, and I wish I had learnt more about planning, bookkeeping, Payroll, tax, marketing, PR etc in the early days rather than when I was in demand. Remember if you burn out, so does your business. So look after yourself and your growing business will thank you for it.”