Rosie Davies-Smith – Founder of PR Dispatch


“International Women’s Day for me is a chance for the world to celebrate and see the power, dedication and skill of women that I am fortunate enough to see everyday through working with an all-female team at PR Dispatch and PR members who are mainly women. In 2021, women have the choice of how to live their lives and there is nothing better than celebrating the achievements of the women around me.”

“We still need to achieve equality between men and women. One of the areas I feel strongly about is that childcare should be seen as a 50/50 responsibility from newborn care through to teen years. It seems that during lockdown the responsibility of childcare fell back on the women’s shoulders for many households.”

“According to Anna Whitehouse via an article on the Telegraph, mothers are 47% more likely to have quit or lost their jobs in lockdown than fathers. If we can get fathers taking equal responsibility from day one and employers recognising this we’ll progress much quicker to equality.”




“I’d like to see more support for the next generation of females. I mentor through Virgin Start-ups which supports small business founders in their early days, but to be honest if someone younger reached out to me via social media and I felt we were a good match I’d be happy to support them with mentoring each month. It’s about creating your own circles.”

“I’m a member of a number of female online groups including Found & Flourish for business and Peanut for parenting/pregnancy support. I have found these groups invaluable and I love that they have an emphasis on collaboration over competition.”

“My International Women’s Day message for 2021 is to pay it forward and educate the next generation. As women in business, it’s our duty to give the next generation of female leaders our time and support.”

“If I could give advice to women starting out it would be don’t be all things to all people. Carve out your niche and become an expert in your field, and most importantly, never let anyone tell you, you can’t. I want to show my daughter that there are no limitations and that she can be anything she wants to be when she is grown-up.”