Tori Donnelly – Co-Founder of WorkClub



“I was born and bred in the small town of Maple Plain, Minnesota. While at university, I met my now-husband and business partner, Nick. Fast-forward five years when I would escape the chaos of the student library to study across the road at a local hotel. This was this first experience of seeking a quiet, productive workspace that planted the WorkClub seed.”

“WorkClub empowers remote professionals and teams to ‘work from where they work best’ across a network of 180+ bookable workspaces and meeting rooms throughout London and beyond.”


Tori Donnelly


“To me, International Women’s Day is an opportunity to amplify women’s voices globally, as well as celebrate the political, social and economic achievements of women so far.”

“A study run by Adeva revealed that only 5% of leadership positions are held by women within the tech industry and worryingly when reviewing tech within education only 3% of female-students would look at this as a career path. This reflects a serious imbalance that needs to be addressed and days like IWD can drive the facts to an active audience as we continue to celebrate and strive for further opportunities for women at all levels.”

“There are many ways that men can facilitate women in the battle for equality. This can start in the workplace by encouraging and ensuring women are included in key influential decisions and that the senior leadership team not only has female faces, but female input. Diversity leads to richer, more sustainable decisions for business and firms with higher female board representation exhibit higher overall performance – fact.”

“My biggest advice to other women is starting out on their journey is to be clear on your offering. What is the problem you are solving with your product or service from get-go? Is there a need for it? It’s so important to work out your ‘why’.”

“I’d also encourage women to challenge the traditionally male-orientated stereotypes, like the “IT guy”. Women were the first-ever software engineers in the 1960’s and some of our biggest leaps in tech have been from incredible women: Jean Bartik, Ada Lovelace and Rear Admiral Grace Hopper to name a few who have defined technology.”