Comment from Tyler DeVice of Virtual Internships – ‘The Advantages of Gaining Online Work Experience’

Tyler DeVice, Virtual Internships

Remote-based working has seen a massive trend upward in recent months, with companies around the world shifting their team structures and managerial styles to support this work style.

Even before COVID-19, many fields like IT were investing heavily in remote working processes. Although for some businesses, supporting online work was seen as a temporary measure, more and more companies are viewing remote working as a long-term approach to their business strategy.

When it comes to working remotely – that is, working over a computer and communicating via email, video call, and other virtual methods – there are many unique advantages for companies and employees alike. While it can be difficult to replicate in-person interaction and networking,  remote work allows for accessibility to wider talent pools, flexibility in work hours, and no commute time.




Increased Accessibility

Without employees having to travel to the office each day, remote working significantly increases a company’s pool of potential applicants. No longer does an intern or employee have to be located within a commutable distance of the company, and instead, companies now have access to talent all around the world. This allows businesses to be more selective with candidates and can help them build stronger, more diverse teams!

These advantages of accessibility extend greatly to job applicants as well. For those who live in areas with few work opportunities, having access to a global network of remote jobs provides a massive boost in terms of career opportunities. Being able to work from home and not having to worry about commuting into the office each day can cut down on travel costs, which are often a barrier for many individuals. Job applicants who are not able to afford travel, or may have obligations which prohibit them from being away from their family, can now seek out remote-based jobs in new countries.



Learning Remote Working Skills

Current data shows us that remote working will remain a key player in many industries moving forward. Therefore, many of the jobs that will be available to university graduates will likely be fully or partially remote-based.

Due to its reliance on technology and digital communication, remote working requires a variety of unique skills. Self-motivation, proactivity, autonomous working, digital communication, and time-management are examples of key skills that are pivotal to succeed in any remote role. Students and professionals in all fields should consider building these skills through internships, trainee positions, and full-time remote work opportunities. 


Looking To The Future

As the world continues to adjust to this “new normal”, remote working will likely continue to showcase its advantages for both employers and employees. By breaking down the financial barriers of travel, access to new global work opportunities will help many individuals kick start their careers. By tapping into worldwide talent pools in new areas,  businesses will continue to build more diverse and inclusive teams than ever before.


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