Experts Recommend Daily Activity Balance: Apps For Better Health

Recent studies by Dr Christian Brakenridge, expert in exercise physiology at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, have explored the optimal balance of sitting, standing, sleeping and movement throughout the day, providing new insights into maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These studies suggest that it is crucial to incorporate movement regularly since our bodies are designed for movement.

As reported by Mail Online, research indicates that spending excessive time sitting can pose health risks, including weight gain and increased chances of developing various health conditions. Therefore, integrating more movement into daily routines is essential for overall well-being.

Recognising the importance of staying active throughout the day, experts emphasise the significance of breaking up long periods of sitting with short bursts of activity. This could include taking short walks, stretching, or engaging in light exercises. By doing so, individuals can lessen the negative effects associated with prolonged sitting and promote better physical health.

Fortunately, technology offers solutions to help people track and increase their daily movement. Various apps are available that provide reminders to stand up, stretch, or engage in physical activity throughout the day. These tools can be useful for individuals looking to incorporate more movement into their daily lives, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes.


What The Studies Revealed


Mail Online recently reported that a new study conducted by Dr Brakenridge, in Australia has highlighted the ideal balance of daily activities for maintaining good health, with a focus on sitting, sleeping, standing, and exercising.

According to the findings, it is advisable to spend a maximum of six hours a day sitting, which is three hours less than the UK average. It is recommended to stand for at least five hours a day for optimal health, as well as to engage in vigorous exercise for over two hours daily and light exercise for about two hours. Additionally, a good night’s sleep of eight hours and twenty minutes is emphasised as crucial for overall well-being.

While the study’s recommendations aim to guide adults towards healthier lifestyles, it’s important to note that any effort, even if precise goals aren’t met, can still yield benefits. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) provides additional guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64, suggesting a mix of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity along with strength exercises to maintain overall health. Breaking up long periods of sitting with light activity is also encouraged for all adults.


The UK’s Pressing Ill-Health Issue


The latest statistics from HSE have revealed a worrying picture of work-related ill health in the UK.

Around 1.8 million workers suffer from such conditions, which significantly impact both individuals and the economy. The leading health problems include stress, depression, anxiety, and musculoskeletal disorders. Not only do these health issues affect workers’ well-being, but they also cause a significant financial burden, amounting to £20.7 billion annually.

Despite efforts to improve workplace safety, the number of workplace deaths has increased, indicating further challenges. It is crucial to understand and address the root causes of these health problems, such as psychosocial risks and physical hazards, to promote a healthier and safer working environment.

Taking proactive measures and investing in health  and safety initiatives can help decrease these risks and improve overall well-being.


Why Leading A Healthy Lifestyle So Important?


Maintaining good health is essential for many reasons as it positively impacts various aspects of our lives.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can contribute to a longer lifespan, with studies suggesting an increase of up to 14 years. In addition to longevity, maintaining good health can also boost confidence, lower stress levels, and reduce medical expenses.

Good health also enhances fertility, improves self-esteem, and sets a positive example for others, particularly children and grandchildren. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle can help control addictive behaviours, protect eyesight, and lead to a more fulfilling life overall.

Prioritising health ensures not only personal well-being but also influences those around us, promoting healthier habits in our communities.


Apps Helping People Move More


Apps designed to encourage movement and reduce sedentary behaviour are available, offering reminders and customisable breaks to prompt users to stand up and stretch. Examples of such apps include:


Go Jauntly




Go Jauntly is a walking app designed to encourage outdoor exploration and physical activity. It offers users a wide range of walking trails, tours, and challenges to discover and enjoy. With simple navigation features and helpful tips, users can easily find and explore new routes based on their location.

The app also allows users to create and share their favourite walks with the community, creating a sense of connection and shared experiences. Additionally, Go Jauntly offers premium features for a small monthly fee, including curated walks and offline route downloads, supporting the app’s mission to promote everyday outdoor adventures and healthy habits.


The Fitbit


The Fitbit app offers a comprehensive tracking solution for fitness enthusiasts, even if they don’t own a Fitbit device. Users can monitor walking workouts with GPS and track daily steps using their phone’s motion sensor.

With customisable metrics, workout videos, and challenges, it encourages users to stay active and engaged, providing motivation for moving more. Whether tracking steps or exploring workouts, the app supports users on their fitness journey.






Workrave is a free program designed to support users in preventing and recovering from Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). By monitoring keyboard and mouse usage, Workrave prompts users to take microbreaks, rest breaks, and restricts daily computer usage.

With configurable break durations and frequencies, users can relax, stretch, and prevent strain. Workrave also provides usage statistics to promote healthy computer habits.



Apps Helping People Sleep Better


There are apps specifically designed to assist individuals in achieving better sleep quality. Here are some examples:


Sleep Reset



Sleep Reset offers a science-based sleep program aimed at improving sleep quality without relying on pills.

With a personalised 8-week action plan, daily support from trained sleep coaches, and a convenient mobile app, users can address root causes of sleep issues and anxiety. Backed by leading sleep experts, Sleep Reset has helped over 1,000 members achieve better sleep and overall well-being.






Calm is a leading app providing Sleep Stories, meditations, music, and soundscapes to promote better sleep. With a vast library of content featuring renowned voices like Matthew McConaughey and Harry Styles, users can easily drift off to dreamland.

Calm helps millions worldwide achieve restful sleep with its soothing offerings, making it a go-to solution for those seeking a good night’s rest.


Sleep Cycle




Sleep Cycle is an app dedicated to improving sleep quality by tracking and analysing sleep patterns. By waking users up at their optimal time during the lightest sleep phase, it ensures they wake up feeling refreshed.

Through sleep statistics and informative posts, Sleep Cycle empowers users to understand and enhance their sleep habits, contributing to overall well-being and better health.


Apps Helping People Sit Less And Stand More


Apps designed to help people sit less and stand more are becoming increasingly popular, offering reminders and customisable breaks to encourage healthier habits. Here are examples:






StretchMinder is the leading app for movement breaks, ideal for busy desk workers aiming to reduce sitting time and increase standing.

With personalised reminders and professionally designed exercises, users combat the negative effects of sedentary living. The app offers quick, accessible routines to alleviate physical discomfort and mental stress, promoting a healthier, more active lifestyle for all fitness levels.






BreakTimer is a free and open-source software designed to help users combat the negative effects of prolonged sitting and screen time.

With customisable breaks and reminders, it encourages users to stand up, stretch, and take breaks at regular intervals, reducing the risk of RSI and eye strain. BreakTimer offers configurable schedules, idle reset features, and custom notifications, empowering users to maintain a healthier work routine.






ENCOURAGE is an app aimed at improving workplace wellness by reducing sitting time and incorporating simple activities into daily routines.

Developed by University of Manitoba researchers and Tactica Interactive, it employs evidence-based techniques to encourage users to break up sedentary periods, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting psychological well-being. ENCOURAGE empowers users to make lasting, health-conscious changes in their work environment.