10 Agritech Startups Positioned To Change The World

BBC recently reported on advances in agricultural technology, highlighting how AI is speeding up the development of new crop varieties. Traditionally, it takes around 10 years to create a new crop, but AI is helping to accelerate this process significantly.

David Guerena, an agricultural scientist at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Tanzania, leads a project called Artemis. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Artemis uses AI for phenotyping – the detailed observation of plant characteristics. This method previously relied on human observation, but AI now performs the task with better precision and consistency.

According to Mr. Guerena, this new approach could reduce the breeding cycle to just a few years, providing a much-needed solution in the face of rapid climate change.


Why Are Agri Tech Startups Important?


Agri tech startups are crucial for the future of agriculture, as they solve many longstanding problems in the industry. These startups leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and satellite remote sensing to improve various aspects of farming.

By providing real-time data and predictive analytics, they enable farmers to make more informed decisions about crop management, pest control, and resource allocation. This leads to increased efficiency, higher yields, and reduced environmental impact.

Additionally, agri tech startups help streamline supply chains, enhance food safety, and ensure better market access for smallholder farmers, promoting economic stability and sustainability.

Agri tech startups also play a significant role in addressing global food security issues. With the world’s population steadily increasing, the demand for food is rising, putting pressure on traditional farming methods.

These startups introduce innovative practices such as precision farming, vertical farming, and hydroponics, which maximise resource use and improve productivity. By adopting these technologies, farmers can produce more food with fewer resources, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient food system.


10 Agri Tech Startups Changing The World


There are several agri tech startups positioned to change the world. Their solutions are not only improving farming practices but also making agriculture more sustainable and efficient.

Here, we shine the spotlight on 10 startups that are paving the way for a new era in agriculture, one where technology and innovation drive growth and sustainability.


1. Trace Genomics


Trace Genomics


Trace Genomics uses advanced DNA sequencing, known as metagenomics, to provide precise agricultural recommendations. Unlike traditional methods that examine limited genes, their technique analyses the entire soil microbiome.

This comprehensive approach offers detailed insights into soil health and microbial functions.

Trace Genomics’ technology supports better crop yield and soil sustainability by accurately measuring the soil’s biological and chemical properties, helping farmers make more informed decisions.


2. Apeel




Apeel is a company that applies an edible, plant-derived coating to fresh produce like avocados, cucumbers, limes, and oranges.

This extra “peel” of protection helps slow down the ripening process by reducing moisture loss and oxidation. As a result, Apeel-coated produce stays fresh for longer periods compared to uncoated produce.

The company aims to reduce food waste and extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables through this innovative, plant-based solution that leverages nature’s preservation mechanisms. Apeel’s technology is available on a variety of produce items in North America and Europe.


3. The Boring Company


The Boring Company


The Boring Company, founded by Elon Musk, is developing a technology called “Hyperloop for Agriculture” that aims to revolutionise the global food supply chain.

This technology involves using high-speed underground tunnels to transport fresh produce over long distances quickly and efficiently.

By moving perishable goods through these tunnels, the company hopes to minimise transportation time and maintain freshness, potentially transforming how agricultural products are distributed worldwide.

4. BioFishency




BioFishency develops and markets advanced water treatment solutions for Recirculated Aquaculture Systems (RAS). Using electro-chemical and biological technologies, their systems improve the sustainability and efficiency of fish farming.

By leveraging big data and independent of water temperature, BioFishency’s patented technologies enhance seafood production, reduce carbon footprints, and provide significant cost and resource savings.

Their approach helps farmers produce healthier fish while optimising land and water use.


5. Farmers Edge




Farmers Edge is a global leader in digital agriculture, aiming to create a comprehensive digital platform to connect and empower stakeholders.

The company focuses on sustainable farming, using innovative technologies to enhance productivity and transparency in the agricultural supply chain.

Their all-in-one platform collects real-time field data, provides predictive insights, and supports efficient, sustainable farming practices, helping farmers and advisors improve food production and distribution for a growing global population.


6. Hello Nature




Hello Nature provides sustainable agricultural solutions, including biostimulants, beneficial microorganisms, and organic fertilisers.

They offer a wide range of biotechnological and certified products to support modern and eco-friendly farming practices. With a focus on innovation and quality, Hello Nature aims to help farmers nurture their crops naturally while respecting the environment and human health.

They operate across multiple continents, with production facilities, research centres, and commercial offices worldwide, serving over 80 countries. Hello Nature emphasises developing solutions that enhance soil fertility, increase yields, and promote sustainable agriculture.


7. Indigo Ag




Indigo Ag is a company that provides an integrated platform for sustainable agriculture solutions.

It offers biological products to enhance crop growth, carbon credit programs for farmers, and platforms for tracking and verifying sustainable farming practices.

Indigo Ag aims to leverage advanced science and technology to create value across the agricultural supply chain, benefiting farmers’ livelihoods while enabling corporations to achieve sustainability goals.


8. Aquaconnect



Aquaconnect leverages Artificial Intelligence and satellite remote sensing to enhance transparency and efficiency in the aquaculture value chain.

By using geospatial data and deep learning models, Aquaconnect can define pond boundaries, distinguish between fish and shrimp ponds, and predict culture days.

This technology helps forecast the demand for farm inputs and the supply of harvest produce, scaling from individual ponds to national levels, thereby supporting efficient and sustainable aquaculture practices.


9. Ynsect



Ynsect is a company that produces insect-based ingredients for animal feed, human food, and plant fertilisers.

They cultivate mealworms in high-tech vertical farms using advanced robotics, computer vision, and AI to optimise the process.

Their mealworm products offer sustainable and nutritious alternatives to traditional ingredients, aiming to create a more eco-friendly food system while meeting the demand for high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals.


10. Plenty




Plenty is reimagining farming with its innovative indoor vertical farms. By growing crops indoors, they produce fresh, pesticide-free greens year-round.

Their technology uses less land and water compared to traditional farming. With facilities in Laramie, Wyoming, Compton, California, and soon Richmond, Virginia, Plenty aims to grow a wide variety of crops efficiently.

Their advanced farming methods help ensure food security despite shrinking farmable land and changing climate conditions.