8 Tanzanian Startups To Watch In 2024

In the heart of East Africa lies the beautiful country of Tanzania. Known for breath-taking scenery and diverse wildlife, the country is also becoming home to a number of startups looking to revolutionise their industries.

From agriculture to healthcare, these companies are not just solving local problems but are also looking to help the region as a whole.

Here’s a look at 8 Tanzanian startups that we think are worth keeping an eye on:


1. Kilimo Fresh: Fresh Produce Marketplace



Kilimo Fresh is a digital platform that allows people to order fresh produce directly to their doorstep.

The company aims to cut out the middle man and use technology to help farmers sell their produce. Through this, consumers have access to locally grown vegetables and farmers get fairer prices for goods.


2. NiliPe: Mobile Payments


Nilipe - Apps on Google Play


Nilipe is on a mission to make it easier for people to pay for services and events in Tanzania.

The app gives users access to events, stores, restaurants and more, allowing them to pay through their phone.

As Tanzania moves towards a more cashless society, NiliPe’s platform allows people to pay in a more convenient way.


3. Wakwetu: Travel Booking Platform






Wakwetu is a platform dedicated to help people travel for less.

The platform provides local recommendations where local travellers can search for available and affordable hotels, all from their phone. Not only that, but all locations are vetted, meaning they are safe for these travelling in Africa.



4. AfyaLead: Healthcare Accessibility



AfyaLead provides healthcare solutions across Africa, helping more people access quality medical care.

The company offers a number of healthcare products and services, including micro health insurance and devices for post-childbirth care.


5. Bandari: Port Logistics



Bandari is on a mission to streamline operations and logistics in port management.

Through its management tool, Bandari is helping the continent’s busy ports operate more effectively.


6. NovFeed: Sustainable Protein For Animal Feed


NovFeed | LinkedIn


NovFeed uses technology to produce sustainable and environmentally friendly animal feed.

Their approach uses biotech to turn organic waste into a protein product that can make nutritious products for the food system. Through this, they have created a more sustainable alternative to traditional animal feed.


7. iProcure: Agricultural Supply Chain



iProcure is the largest agricultural supply chain platform in rural Africa.

The startup works to ensure that agricultural businesses are able to access products like seeds and fertilisers more efficiently and affordably. Through this, farmers are able to get the supplies they need and be more profitable whilst doing it.


8. Mtabe: Tech-Driven Learning


Mtabe sides


Mtabe uses tech to provide a range of study tools for students.

From tutoring, assessments and online teacher tools, Mtabe is helping more people in Tanzania pass exams and excel in education.