AI-Scammers On The Rise: Tips And Startups Protecting Your Business

Recent reports from the BBC shed light on a concerning trend: despite the rise in AI-powered scams, public concern are frighteningly low. Despite the increasing sophistication of AI-driven fraud, many individuals, even those who have fallen victim to scams, don’t see the need for protection.

While individuals may downplay the threat, banks in particular are taking AI-powered scams seriously. Financial institutions are turning to high-tech and AI solutions to combat fraudulent activities.

The battle against AI-driven fraud continues with increased vigilance ongoing efforts to raise public awareness.  Startups are also offering solutions that analyse data to identify suspicious behaviour, helping banks and businesses stay ahead of cybercriminals.


Understanding Scammers’ Strategies


Scammers utilise many strategies to deceive and defraud individuals, tapping in on human vulnerabilities and abusing psychological tactics.


Spoofing And Phishing

Spoofing involves falsifying caller ID information to appear legitimate, while phishing attempts trick individuals into revealing personal data or accessing malicious content. These tactics prey on trust and familiarity as scammers often pretend to be reputable entities or use false urgent messages to prompt quick responses.


Impersonation And Emotional Manipulation

Scammers create fake profiles and use emotional manipulation to establish rapport and trust. By impersonating authority figures or leveraging sympathetic narratives, they coerce victims into divulging sensitive information or complying with demands. This emotional manipulation cultivates a false sense of security, making individuals more susceptible to exploitation.


Psychological Coercion And Persuasion

Building on psychological principles, scammers employ tactics such as creating a sense of urgency and establishing social debt. Urgency tactics pressure victims into hasty decisions, while social debt leverages reciprocity to compel compliance. Through extended conversations and purported assistance, scammers cultivate psychological commitments and abuse cognitive fatigue to manipulate victims into compliance.


How To Protect Yourself From Scammers


Protecting yourself from scammers involves several proactive measures. Guard your online information by maintaining up-to-date security software on your computers. Ensure employees avoid entering personal data on public computers. Always check for HTTPS at the start of URLs, especially when logging into accounts or exchanging sensitive data.

Monitor your financial accounts daily via online or mobile banking apps to quickly spot unauthorised transactions. Additionally, set up alerts to notify you of account changes or transactions and implement fraud detection tools to verify transactions.

Be vigilant about emails that request changes to financial data or contain attachments and links. Always validate such requests by contacting a trusted source directly.

Shred sensitive documents after reconciling them with your monthly statements and opt for eStatements to reduce paper trails. Also, regularly review your credit reports for any suspicious activity and consider setting up alerts for changes to your business credit score.

Think twice before sharing sensitive information, and ensure the source is trustworthy. Finally, report any suspicious activity to your financial institution immediately to increase the chances of recovering lost funds.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to scams.


How A VPN Can Protect You


A VPN can help protect you from scammers, including AI scammers, by encrypting your internet connection. This makes your data harder to intercept.

Using a VPN hides your IP address, making it difficult for scammers to track your online activities. It also prevents phishing attacks by blocking malicious websites. Additionally, a VPN can help secure your personal information when using public Wi-Fi. This reduces the risk of identity theft.

By masking your location and encrypting your data, a VPN protects your online privacy from various cyber threats.


UK Fraud Prevention Startups


Luckily, there are startups specifically tackling fraud prevention. These companies are developing tools and technologies to detect and prevent scams, making it easier for individuals and businesses to protect their information.

By promoting these solutions, startups can demonstrate their commitment to security and encourage widespread adoption of anti-fraud measures. This collective effort helps create a more secure digital environment, benefiting everyone involved.


Schwarzthal Tech




Wunderschild, a product of Schwarzthal Tech, revolutionises compliance and investigation techniques with advanced intelligence solutions.

It leverages network assessment, data linkage, flow aggregation, and machine learning to provide insights on strategic risks such as Politically Exposed Persons, Serious Organised Crime, and Terrorism Financing. Wunderschild’s global business registry, enriched with machine learning, aids in tackling complex transnational crime cases, including tax fraud and money laundering.

It offers tools for enhanced due diligence, transaction monitoring, and risk assessment, supporting proactive compliance and investigations.





Onfido is a global technology leader in digital identity verification and authentication solutions. They offer an AI-powered platform that helps businesses verify customer identities and prevent fraud.

With features like document and biometric verification, automated onboarding, and compliance with global regulations, Onfido makes it easy for companies to securely onboard customers and meet KYC and AML requirements.

Trusted by over 1,000 global businesses, Onfido’s innovative solutions reduce costs and complexity while enhancing security and customer experience.


W2 Global Data




W2 Global Data Solutions, recently acquired by FullCircl, specialises in automated compliance solutions. They offer services in KYC, AML, anti-fraud, and identity verification, helping businesses streamline customer onboarding and meet regulatory requirements.

Their platform provides access to over 480 services from 21 suppliers, ensuring efficient compliance and fraud prevention. Serving more than 700 clients, W2 supports industries including finance, gambling, and crypto with reliable, scalable solutions that drive revenue growth.






BlockFrauds, a Fardoe Software Ltd business, specialises in advanced fraud detection for insurers. Using AI and proprietary algorithms, BlockFrauds helps insurers identify and prevent fraudulent claims.

Their innovative technology includes Digital Speech DNA and Digital Image DNA to detect suspicious activities. Additionally, they utilise blockchain to securely share intelligence among insurers, enhancing collaboration in fraud prevention.

BlockFrauds aims to reduce premiums and improve customer experiences by streamlining fraud detection processes and making the insurance industry more resilient.






TMT ID is a global leader in mobile intelligence and trusted data solutions. They specialise in mobile identity verification, fraud prevention, and customer authentication through their comprehensive Mobile Number Intelligence platform.

TMT ID offers services like verifying customer identities, detecting fraudulent activities, and providing real-time mobile data insights. Their solutions enable businesses to enhance security, streamline customer onboarding, and comply with regulatory requirements.

By partnering with leading telecommunications companies, TMT ID ensures accurate and efficient mobile data processing for clients worldwide.


Intelligent Voice




Intelligent Voice offers secure speech and natural language processing solutions, aiding businesses in transcribing and analysing audio or video recordings.

With advanced technology, including smart transcription, summarisation, and video OCR, users can extract valuable insights from meetings and conversations. Trusted by various industries, Intelligent Voice ensures data security with private cloud options and seamless integration with existing systems.

Their technology, available in over 30 languages, delivers enhanced user experiences while maintaining data privacy.