Oxa Review: The Rise Of Wearable HealthTech Startups

Throughout history, humans have consistently sought out novel and inventive methods to improve their health and well-being. It’s not surprising that in today’s era, technology has become a central player in this quest.

The pursuit of enhanced health and wellness has given rise to a global array of HealthTech gadgets, catering to an array of needs ranging from monitoring daily activity levels to tracking heart rate. These days, such devices provide invaluable insights into both our physical and emotional health.

But while it is doubtless important for these gadgets to help us accomplish goals like upping our daily step count, it is crucial they can help in the cornerstone of maintaining overall health: ensuring high-quality sleep and managing stress levels effectively.

This is precisely where the innovative startup Oxa steps in. Oxa can be thought of as a wearable breathing coach, designed to alleviate stress and improve sleep quality through guided breathing exercises. Join us as we delve into the realm of Oxa, exploring TechRound’s review of this pioneering product.

Introducing Oxa

Stress isn’t just a minor inconvenience – it’s a serious matter that can lead to detrimental conditions such as burnout, anxiety, and insomnia. That’s why Oxa has introduced a pioneering tool developed by neuroscientists and endorsed by professionals: a device that monitors your breathing and heart rate (ECG) in real time.

With Oxa, you receive personalised guidance through breathing exercises scientifically proven to optimise your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) – the variation in time between each heartbeat – bringing it into a healthy range. But why focus on HRV? A higher HRV is linked to increased stress resilience, better overall well-being, and enhanced sleep quality, while a lower HRV can correlate with stress, fatigue, and reduced performance. By monitoring HRV, you gain valuable insights into your body’s reactions, empowering you to make informed choices for your health.

That’s why practical strategies for improving HRV are crucial, including regular exercise, consistent sleep patterns, and controlled breathing. This is where Oxa steps in – the top-rated breathing wearable technology featuring live biofeedback. Oxa’s breathing exercises help you build resilience to stress and enhance your HRV, ultimately elevating your well-being to new heights.

Oxa Review

Upon receiving the Oxa wearable, the first step involves downloading the accompanying app, which provides comprehensive instructions on how to use the gadget. Before use, the compact sensor responsible for measuring HRV must be charged up before being inserted into the relatively comfortable wearable band, albeit taking a little getting used to wearing, designed to be worn around the torso.

The Oxa app guides users through the uses of the wearable sensor, helping to guide users on how to utilise the gadget effectively. This app can be relied upon as your comprehensive knowledgeable guide, explaining the various breathing exercises aimed at optimising HRV, thereby aiding in stress reduction and enhancing sleep quality.

The app is neatly categorised into three main sections: Journey, Exercises, and Sleep.

Under the Journey section, users engage in breathing exercises tailored for cultivating calmness – a crucial practice in today’s hectic lifestyles – as well as resonance, targeting stress reduction, hypertension management, and sleep enhancement, thus promoting overall well-being.

The separate Sleep section, unsurprisingly, focuses on improving sleep quality. It offers specialised resonance breathing techniques conducive to deeper sleep, alongside monitoring breathing patterns, heart activity, and sleep positions. Helpfully, in a night of disrupted sleep, it is possible to restart tracking at any time so only genuine sleep patterns are recorded.

Finally, the Exercises section is home to a diverse array of breathing exercises, thoughtfully arranged on an easy-to-use interface. Each exercise is clearly labelled with its intended benefits, whether it’s promoting sleep, boosting energy levels, or alleviating stress, making it notably simple to navigate.

All exercises are designed to be easy to complete and integrate into daily routines, typically lasting from 3 to 15 minutes. Though the practices may a little feel strange to complete at first, they are quickly gotten used to thanks to the help of the app to get you ‘in the zone’. The app provides clear instructions and particularly useful audio cues, explaining each exercise in depth including how what exactly the exercise will help with.

But the most useful aspect of the Oxa app must be the metrics it offers, which give users intriguing insights allowing them to track progress effectively. After all, it can be difficult to improve aspects of life like stress and sleep with nothing to track your progress tangibly – Oxa provides a simple solution to this problem.  By visualising improvements in areas such as sleep and stress, users are motivated to incorporate breathing exercises into their daily lives – even when not wearing the band – fostering lasting habits that contribute to overall wellness.

Indeed, after around a couple of weeks of consistent use, the breathing practices Oxa teaches melt into part of your daily routine and these certainly provide noticeable relief from anxious feelings, stress, and trouble sleeping. It’s a pleasant surprise to see such issues can be dealt with daily with such a simple but effective solution.

While acknowledging its price range (ranging from £149 for the sensor alone to £299 for the complete bundle), investing in Oxa must be viewed as an investment in one’s future well-being. After all, how can you improve your sleep if you don’t know the state of your current sleep state? How can you reliably reduce your stress if you don’t have any measurement of it decreasing?

By providing tangible measurements of sleep quality and stress levels, Oxa empowers users to proactively manage their health, illustrating the significance of innovative startups in creating accessible ways to incorporate personalised health solutions into our daily routines.

The Rise Of Wearable HealthTech Startups

Where advice on issues like stress or lack of sleep might have once been limited to medication or spending time outdoors to enhance mental well-being, addressing such problems has now blossomed into a sprawling market. Today, individuals can explore an expanse of tailored products and services designed to support their personal wellness goals.

While practices like controlled breathing might seem straightforward, they hold timeless efficacy in managing stress and sleep difficulties. Yet, Oxa ventures beyond mere deep breathing, injecting innovation into this age-old practice.

By customising breathing techniques to target specific health objectives and meticulously tracking your body’s metrics, Oxa transforms a simple short-term remedy into a comprehensive, sustainable method for enhancing long-term health and well-being.

This pioneering startup exemplifies how there has been a notable societal shift towards employing straightforward health and wellness solutions to improve both physical and mental health. Indeed, terms like HealthTech and wellness, along with the broader mental health awareness movement, have surged in recent years, largely propelled by the emergence of startups dedicated to holistic well-being.

At the heart of this societal shift is technology, with individuals increasingly embracing mobile apps, wearable trackers, virtual consultations, and other innovative solutions to address their health. This surge in health and wellness tech heralds a new era in self-care, underscoring the importance of startups like Oxa in nurturing mental and physical well-being alike.

Indeed, Oxa demonstrates how startups are revolutionising the landscape of personal health monitoring, offering individuals an accessible and user-friendly means to track and enhance their well-being. In an era where traditional healthcare systems struggle to meet demands and are ill-prepared to address the challenges associated with stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders, innovative solutions are paramount.

Thanks to such innovative startups, gone are the days when assistance was confined to GP offices or expensive private health options. Today, a wealth of alternative solutions are just a click away.