How “PR Search” Uses Social Media to Recruit


Why pay for Wifi? Daniel Andrews head of recruitment firm “PR search” has managed to navigate the world of PR, coffee shops and especially LinkedIn so successfully that he now runs a recruitment company headhunting for the UK’s top PR firms all the way from junior to senior level.

Andrews praises the “world’s largest professional network” as they describe themselves, LinkedIn for its role in boosting his career. Instead of paying overheads Andrews uses most of his initial investment to post on job boards and upgrade his Linkedin account increasing his reach further. “Recruitment is a very competitive industry”Andrew tells us. The lack of overheads is so important to him due to the lack of consistency in his stability.

Taking full advantage of the free wifi in coffee shops, Andrews has jumped from Starbucks to Costa, an excellent idea for any start up company to save money without hindering their success. (Besides who can resist those Starbucks cookies?)

But Daniel Andrews does not limit himself to just LinkedIn. After starting his company in 2015 in the age of smartphones and social media he tells us that it has been an essential part of  the growth of “PR Search”. Although he does say that there is nothing for him quite like a good old fashioned phone call.