Startup of the Week: Omnipresent

  • Omnipresent was founded in 2019 by Matthew Wilson and Guenther Eisinger.
  • The startup’s tech services help manage tedious administrative procedures, making it easier to employ and maintain remote working teams.
  • So far, Omnipresent have raised £12.5 million over the course of two funding rounds.





While this new era of remote working has been adopted and valued by many, some employers are still hesitant to employ remote teams, struggling to evolve in the working world’s new normal.

Our Startup of the Week Omnipresent is helping to ease this transition period, making the employment of remote talent quick and easy.

Available in 150 countries, Omnipresent offers tech to help companies manage tedious administrative procedures, taking care of admin tasks involved in payroll, compliance, benefits and taxes – ultimately enabling businesses to, as founders Matthew Wilson and Guenther Eisinger say, spend “more time to do what matters, and less of the boring admin”.

The startup offers a range of different services, including onboarding and off-boarding services, HR compliance services, simplified global payroll and more.

On their website, Omnipresent state: We created Omnipresent to solve the challenges we faced while starting our business thousands of miles apart and managing a remote team. As entrepreneurs, we believe that your priority should be towards growing your business and accessing the best global talent, not focusing on the admin required to make that possible.

“We also believe in providing every employee with the tools and support that will make them feel part of the team no matter where they are.” 

“We are our own client and gained tremendous freedom from using our platform and becoming a global remote-first company. Now your team can be anywhere too. And we are here to help you every step of the way.

Omnipresent offers a simple, effective global employment services model, enabling businesses to employ the remote talent of choice. The startup make it easy to employ global remote working teams, as well as support and pay them. Key features to the startup’s offering include:

  • Local employment contracts
  • Payroll automation
  • Onboarding and off-boarding automation
  • Unified database for remote employees
  • Regulatory compliance in 150 legal jurisdictions
  • Multi-currency support in 150 countries
  • And more…

Co-founders Wilson and Eisinger met in 2019 at Entrepreneur First, creating Omnipresent Group that same year. Throughout the COVID-19 global pandemic, Omnipresent managed to raise £1.5 million in a Seed Round, and £11 million in a Series A funding round, and expanded to 150 countries.