Startup Of The Week: Toothfairy

  • Toothfairy is an on-demand dental care service that allows people to connect with professional dentists anytime through an app.
  • The app uses AI treatment tracking, virtual exams to diagnose issues, video calls, and helps patients speak to dentists directly anytime.
  • Recognised as the UK’s first health-regulated dental app, Toothfairy has received a number of awards and currently serves over 3 million members.






What is Toothfairy?


Toothfairy is an online dental clinic, helping people access quick dental care through its app.

The platform allows people to connect with professional dentists for services like teeth straightening, whitening, and emergency consultations.

Not only that, but Toothfairy also allows people to track their treatment progress, manage prescriptions and help them identify early signs of dental disease through knowledge building.

By using smart technology and partnering with real dentists, Toothfairy is helping to make dental care more accessible, affordable, and convenient.


What Makes Toothfairy Unique?


Toothfairy is the first health-regulated dental app in the UK, providing 24 hour access to dentists via its award-winning app.

The app’s unique features include AI treatment tracking, which can detect any issues and speed up treatment, virtual exams, prescription management and secure video calls for emergency advice.

This technology means that people can access help when they need it, and also manage all elements of their dental care in one place.

With over 3 million users, a number of awards and a high customer satisfaction score, Toothfairy is helping to make dental care more accessible.



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Is There A Market For Online Dental Services?


Yes, there is a big market for online dental services, especially in the UK.

According to Toothfairy, over 19 million dental appointments were missed due to COVID-19, creating a huge backlog for the NHS. Given most dental emergencies can quickly get worse over time, it’s important that people are able to access advice and treatment quickly.

Reports by the NHS also suggest that 10% of all dental appointments are urgent, and dental problems cost the NHS £18 million annually in A&E attendances. A huge burden for the country’s public sector.

Toothfairy helps combat these issues by providing people with the chance to get care instantly wherever they are. Not only does this help people solve their dental issues, it also reduces strain on NHS dental services, which struggle to keep up with demand.


Where Can You Find Toothfairy?


Find them on their website, or download the app through the App store or Google Play.