16. ddroidd

ddroidd ceo

Company: ddroidd

Website: https://www.ddroidd.com/

CEO: Catalin Stancel




About ddroidd

Established in September 2020, ddroidd is a digital transformation and technical specialist with offices in Leeds and Romania, delivering projects for clients and agency partners. The company is passionate about sustainability and educating people on the environmental impact (power consumption) that inefficient websites, digital platforms, and technical architecture play in consuming unnecessary power. ddroidd is determined to help clients reduce their carbon emissions through ‘greener’ technology.

ddroidd has developed and launched a pioneering new A+++ framework to enhance website performance and reduce a business’ carbon footprint. Through recycling and reusing previously processed information, it eliminates the need for unnecessary information reprocessing that demands extensive resources – cutting information reprocessing by 90% and reducing energy consumption.

On its own, the software does not consume vast amounts of energy or cause environmental harm. The issue is the way software is developed and deployed due to its reliance on hardware. When a webpage loads, images, videos and text are requested from the host server. And often thrown away. With efficient code and architecture, this data can be better stored and reused – providing faster and more efficient websites. Using smarter, more efficient code and fewer servers that require less power, ddroidd can test and rank websites to help them graduate to A+++. It’s better for the environment and better for businesses. ddroidd can guarantee 60% cost savings within six months by adopting this framework.

When it comes to deployment, monitoring real-time power consumption through techniques such as dynamic code analysis is critical for understanding the gaps between design choices and actual energy profiles. Measuring code quality in watts and reducing hosting fees, enables ddroidd to provide clients tangible, measurable results. Clients have already benefitted from this revolutionary approach with some seeing cost savings of up to £12k a month on hosting bills.

Businesses are unaware of the impact their websites could be having on the environment. ddroidd’s pioneering A+++ energy efficiency framework, which monitors the output of a website in Amps, will significantly reduce carbon emissions that are being unnecessarily consumed, whilst providing tangible energy saving results and cost savings.

This will not only improve the performance of their site and reduce costs, but it will also have a huge impact on energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Whilst the environmental impact of crypto currency mining is starting to be discussed, the environmental impact of digital platforms is not often addressed or is seen as a data-centre issue. Businesses often just see the output of their website without needing to understand the ‘components’ that make it up. ddroidd is on a mission to help educate the importance of understanding this and the significant benefits as a result; using greener technology is better for businesses and better for the environment.

Passionate about sustainability, ddroidd is pioneering a new approach to digital transformation that will hopefully become industry standard in the future. The result – better performing online platforms that use less energy, reduce carbon emissions and save money.