56. Milkywire

Company: Milkywire

Founder: Nina Siemiatkowski

Website: https://www.milkywire.com


About Milkywire

Milkywire is an environmental impact platform enabling companies to address their environmental footprint and comply with new standards for taking action to solve the global climate, biodiversity and pollution crises. Milkywire bridges the gap between high-impact environmental initiatives around the world with companies – and individuals – keen to donate, but unsure how to do so effectively.

Milkywire was founded in 2018 by Nina Siemiatkowski, following time spent in Kenya as a wildlife photographer where she was struck by the realities of the situation facing the planet. While following a pride of lions, she discovered that the world’s lion population had halved in number in just 20 years. Nina began working with organisations protecting the planet and began to see the difficulties that local organisations faced; threatened by a lack of funding and resources. Back home in Sweden, it was clear that both individuals and companies were keen to support environmental causes, but were unsure how to do so efficiently. Nina created Milkywire as an alternative solution to all these obstacles, bridging the gap between trusted impact organisations and those keen to support them.

Through the Milkywire platform, companies can directly and transparently donate to expertly-curated portfolios of projects designed to drive lasting positive impact for the planet within their particular focus areas. Milkywire also offers companies and their customers to finance climate and nature solutions directly through the company’s own channels and API solutions. The service includes an online Milkywire portal providing financial overviews, statistics, maps visualising the impact, communication guides, and more. The easy access to transparent and value-adding reporting – and how we enable the entire process of financing climate and nature projects through technology – is what sets Milkywire apart.

Milkywire has raised over $25 million for organisations in 40+ countries around the world, and funded 120+ projects. Milkywire supports these organisations to become partners of major companies such as Klarna (to whom Milkywire is the official strategic partner for its Give One initiative), and Spotify, and gain access to millions of individual donors through Milkywire’s network. Over the past three years, the company has grown its turnover by 200% (YoY), from $55,000 in 2020 to $1.5 million in 2022, and its Climate Transformation Fund has grown threefold since its inception in 2021.

Milkywire aims to become a global leader for climate and nature funding, playing a key role in closing the planetary funding gap, thereby enabling impact organisations around the world to work sustainably and effectively to reach the global climate and nature targets. There are currently no other initiatives in the market that have the potential to scale in a similar way and engage billions of people in the environmental crises.

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