Cannes Film Festival: How Tech Is Innovating The Film Industry

The Cannes Film Festival is an event which takes place every May for 2 weeks. Every year, filmmakers and actors gather in this Southern French city to show their latest films and network with the best in the business.

But the world of film has evolved massively in recent decades, driven mainly by advancements in tech. In fact, tech has embedded itself in the heart of the film industry, from CGI to animation and more.


The History Of Tech In Films


For decades now, tech has been an integral part of film-based storytelling.

It began with the invention of motion picture cameras in the 19th century, which caused the birth of cinema. In the year 1908, the first ever movie made in colour – a trip to the seaside – was released, further amplifying the art. Sound was added in the 1920s, showcased in the film The Jazz Singer, marking the first time audiences heard the voices of actors.

From there, the industry has continued innovating, moving on to create computer generated imagery (CGI) which has evolved hugely over recent years. From there, virtual effects and more realistic animation has continues to push boundaries, resulting in the modern era of cinema where tech and the big screen go hand in hand.

Here, we look at some of the common technologies used in films that often make their debut or gain recognition at Cannes.


Digital Cinematography


Gone are the days when old-school film was the only way of capturing motion pictures.

HD cameras are now standard when it comes to big screen filming, getting more advanced in their clarity every year. These digital films are easier to edit and send worldwide, making them a favourite among independent filmmakers that are often featured at Cannes.


Motion Capture


Motion capture is a technique that records the movements of real actors to then create lifelike animations. Through tracking body movements and facial expressions, filmmakers are able to create more realistic animations than ever before.

This has been used in films like Lord of The Rings, Avatar and Harry Potter to allow humans to act as and portray non human characters. Not only does this visually look more interesting, it allows actors to give these creatures more depth.


Visual Effects (VFX)


Visual effects go hand in hand with modern filmmaking, helping directors transform the way stories are told. Done with angles and distance perception in the olden days, modern filmmakers are now able to create realistic effects that enhance the films they are in.

Visual effects technology has allowed filmmakers to play with reality, with many modern films acclaimed for their use for VFX and continuing to push the boundaries of what can be done on the big screen.


Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI)


Closely related to VFX, computer-generated imagery (CGI) has become another key element of modern film making.

CGI involves creating characters, places and special effects entirely with a computer. This has allowed filmmakers to create new universes, terrains and creatures that would be impossible to film in real life. CGI has become an incredible tool for storytelling and bringing entirely new worlds to life.


Tech And Film Go Hand In Hand


The Cannes Film Festival not only celebrates artistic filmmakers but is also a showcase of how far technology has come in the world of film. From CGI to VFX, these technologies allow directors to push the boundaries of storytelling.

As technology continues to get more advanced, we look forward to seeing what the next generation of film makers have in store.