41. Cinapsis – Dr Owain Rhys Hughes

Company: Cinapsis

Founder: Dr Owain Rhys Hughes

Website:  https://www.cinapsis.org/

Business: Cinapsis is a digital platform that allows doctors and nurses to share advice in real-time.


About Dr Owain and Cinapsis

Dr Owain Rhys Hughes is an Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon whose first-hand experience of the ineffective and difficult-to-navigate communication channels in use across the NHS inspired him to build a solution. He founded Cinapsis in 2018 to help tackle these broken communication systems and hand clinicians the tools to collaborate more easily on care.

Cinapsis is a digital clinical communications platform that enables doctors and nurses to share specialist advice and guidance in real-time to speed up referral decisions and reduce patient wait times for life-saving care.

Cinapsis connects primary care clinicians such as GPs, paramedics, NHS 111 call handlers and optometrists with consultants from local NHS trusts who can provide timely, specialist, advice to help improve triage and ensure patients can be seen by the most appropriate treatment service sooner. It is already in use across a number of NHS organisations, covering a population of 8 million patients, and is helping tackle cancer care backlogs across the country.




Use of Cinapsis has been proven to enable 83% of patients to bypass A&E and instead receive care in the community or a planned clinic appointment. In Cheshire and Merseyside, use of Cinapsis has helped eliminate the 30% of unnecessary dermatology referrals previously being made to the cancer suspected two-week wait pathway for specialist consultation, freeing up space and reducing wait times for patients who are in need of urgent care. In Norfolk and Waveney, Cinapsis is reducing wait times for specialist advice from 50 weeks to just 48 hours.

When building a healthtech solution, a particular challenge is tailoring it effectively to serve the varying needs of each different organisation. Cinapsis works closely with clinicians on the ground to understand the nuanced pain points they are facing and ensure that the platform is adapted to successfully address these. Their collaboration with the NHS continues beyond helps clinicians to adopt the technology easily into their existing processes.

Over the next year, Cinapsis is working to expand their platform, working closely alongside their existing partners to develop new features and functions, and partnering with a growing number of organisations across the NHS to support even more clinicians and their patients. This will have a key role to play in helping tackle national pressures on wait times for patients, boosting staff retention and easing the growing backlog of care.


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