54. Shift

Company: Shift

Website: https://shift.online/

Founder: Jacob Corlett

Business: Shift enables customers to move absolutely anything, anywhere, at any given time, perfect for people who are on the move.

The startup aims to simplify what can otherwise be a stressful process: one of 2,300 Shifters can be booked online and arrive at the customers doorstep as little as 20 minutes later!

Its unique selling point is that Shift provides the fastest and most effective on-demand moving service in the UK – an ‘Uber for removals’, if you wish. Shift also combines technology with intelligent algorithms in order to help find the very best Shifter for the job.


The CEO and founder of Shift, Jacob Corlett, set up the company back in 2017 with initial funding of £1 million. The inspiration for the startup came to Corlett after leaving college, when he built a London-based home moving company, which involved employed drivers and a fleet of vans.

During this time, he came to realise a fundamental problem in this sector: the model was completely outdated. As a result, Corlett saw the potential to create Shift, knowing that there was the potential to revolutionise logistics through the use of technology via a marketplace model.