8. Samuel Gill, Age 28

samuel gill

Company: Sylvera

Age: 28

Website: https://www.sylvera.com/

Business: Sylvera is a carbon intelligence platform that provides users with detailed and reliable carbon ratings.


About Samuel and Sylvera

Samuel began his career working as an advisor for high-profile asset managers on multi-billion dollar hedge funds. He wanted to make a more direct, positive impact on the planet, so he moved to Backer McKenzie to focus on Environmental, Social and Governance products.


It was here that Samuel first advised on a major carbon offset issuance. This experience gave Samuel a knowledge of and interest in carbon markets. He was concerned that the market lacked the necessary infrastructure to allow it to scale quickly and with integrity, so he left law in order to tackle these issues.


In 2020 Samuel Gill co-founded carbon intelligence platform Sylvera alongside CEO Dr. Allister Furey, and he is currently the Chief Operating Officer. Sylvera is a carbon intelligence platform that aims to help its users to evaluate and invest in high quality carbon credits.


Sylvera uses proprietary data and machine learning technology to produce insights on carbon projects.Their online platform and API can be used to generate reports and market intelligence. Corporate sustainability leaders, carbon traders and governments can all use Sylvera to get independent carbon ratings.


The business currently leads the market in gathering proprietary data about forestry projects, and has worked with National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the University of California, and University College London.


Although Sylvera currently only assesses forestry credits, they have plans to expand their coverage across the whole offset market. Their goal is to have rated 500 projects by the end of 2022.