Announced! TechRound’s 50 Women In Startups & Tech 2024 Winners

TechRound is excited to announce the winners of our 50 Women In Startups & Tech!


TechRound is proud to announce the winners of our 50 Women In Startups and Tech campaign, celebrating the female entrepreneurs changing the tech and startup landscape across the U.K. and Europe.

Founded in 2016, TechRound is the UK’s best-known and fastest-growing startup and tech news site. This is where decision makers, investors and startups of all sizes and nature come to find out the latest developments and trends within the industry.






See The List

Top 50 – See Here >>

Top 20 – See Here >>

Top 10 – See Here >>

Who Ranked Number 1? – See Here >>


Feedback From The Judges


“Judging for TechRound was a diverse and exciting experience, with companies spanning digital marketing, human rights, nutrition, food service, wellness, finance, and health sectors. Amidst this array, standout tales of founding journeys captured my attention. From humble beginnings to groundbreaking innovations, each story reflected resilience and determination. These women weren’t just building businesses; they were crafting their own legacies. Witnessing their passion and impact left an indelible mark. It’s a reminder that behind every successful venture lies a narrative of perseverance and vision. Techround’s Top 50 Women in Tech showcases not just women, but the extraordinary stories that drive them forward in business. What an honour it was being able to judge this.”

Lissele Pratt, Co-Founder at Capitalixe


“It’s inspiring to see such brilliant solutions spreadhead by women. It comes as no surprise that women are leading the innovation ecosystem with solidarity and inclusion sparking transformation. Let’s champion the entrepreneurial prowess and profound impact of women supporting women, breaking barriers, and shaping a fairer world through technology.”

Sunita Grote, Ventures Team Lead at UNICEF


“It was an honour to have judged the TechRounds Women in Tech and Startups awards. There was such a high degree of talent, with innovative and creative solutions to everyday needs, it was tough to choose. Naturally given my background in personal safety, I find inspiration in founders who wish to create societal change and challenge the status quo. The top 5 for me had a hunger to do just that! I wish everyone on this journey the best of luck, you’re all winners for even making it this far.”

Emma Kay, Founder at WalkSafe


“Experiencing the innovation, passion, and resilience of these remarkable individuals has been nothing short of empowering. It’s been an honour to play a role in recognizing their contributions and advocating for greater diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. From women’s health empowerment apps, teaching future generations to code, harnessing AI and development of quantum computers. The experience has reinforced my belief in the limitless power of women in shaping the future of technology. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be part of shining a light on these incredible humans.”

Lorna Reeves, Founder & Director at MyOhMy Events


“There were so many interesting businesses to judge, and I found myself thinking “I wish I had thought of that” quite a few times. I was particularly drawn to the businesses that have applied technology to create products that solve customer problems in innovative ways that are having an impact on solving pressing global challenges, such as reducing our carbon footprint or promoting gender equality. I wish all the entrants the best of luck as they continue on their entrepreneurial journeys.”

– Alice Busvine, Editorial Writer and Head of Social at  TechRound 


“Judging the TechRound 50 Women In Startups and Tech competition was an enlightening experience. It was inspiring to witness the innovation and resilience among female entrepreneurs shaping our tech and startup landscape. Among the companies that stood out were those who made valiant efforts to understand their target market’s problems and developed innovative solutions to solve them. Each submission showcased a unique journey, highlighting the diverse talents and aspirations that have led these women to make such an impact. As a judge, I’m honored to recognize these visionary women, whose creativity and determination underscore the transformative power of entrepreneurship.” 

Monica Eaton, Founder and CEO of Chargebacks911 and Fi911, as well as Chief Information Officer of Global Risk Technologies


Thank You to Our Judges!


Sunita Grote, Ventures Team Lead at UNICEF

Sunita Grote leads the Ventures team within UNICEF’s Office of Innovation and co-founded its Venture Fund which provides seed funding in fiat and crypto – the first in the UN system.

UNICEF Ventures explores how emerging frontier technology can accelerate results for the most marginalised children, including through investments in open-source solutions from emerging markets. She steers UNICEF’s co-leadership of the Digital Public Goods Alliance, a network of partners who collectively contribute to the discovery, development, and deployment of open-source digital public goods. Sunita has a background in innovative financing and previously spent 10 years working in the global HIV and health response based mostly in the UK and in South Asia. She holds an MBA from INSEAD and lives in Stockholm with her partner and two children.

Find out more about what Sunita is looking for from entrants in her interview here.


Lissele Pratt, Co-Founder at Capitalixe

As co-founder at Capitalixe, Lissele Pratt pioneers cutting-edge fintech solutions for underserved industries. From launching her first business at age 16 to scaling a seven-figure fintech consultancy in three years, her journey showcases determination.

With 9 years in financial services and a global perspective, she’s a recognised authority in foreign exchange, payments, and technology. A Forbes 30 Under 30 Finance alum and TechRound 29 under 29, her expertise is featured in publications and podcasts like Entrepreneur, Business Leader, TechRound, Fintech Times, Valiant CEO, Finextra, Thrive Global, and Female Techpreneur.


Emma Kay, Founder at WalkSafe

Emma is Founder & Director of WalkSafe, growing it into the UK’s #1 safety tech business. Her dedication to tackling gender-based violence has led her to become a thought leader in the personal safety industry. She has worked with global brands across international media, and is an experienced keynote speaker. Emma is passionate about utilising her technology to make the world a safer place.

Prior to WalkSafe, she founded several other businesses, spent many years volunteering and has a background in early years education.


Lorna Reeves, Founder & Director at MyOhMy Events

Lorna was a member of the Met Police, spending over 15 years in Forensics. It’s everything you are imagining; evidence, fingerprints, firearms and serious investigations. Lorna finished her career in the Senior Leadership team, managing a team of 160 people, managing the forensic work of 3000 cases annually, contracts, procurement, HR and staff development, communication and negotiation. She took these skills and used them in her business.

Lorna then made the leap to pursue her passion for creating experiential, game-changing business events; elevating her clients’ brands, in the campaign for #NoMoreBoringWebinars. MyOhMy Events is a global leader in delivering immersive, interactive events in Pharma, Bioscience and charity sectors, face-to-face and hybrid.

Lorna’s solution focussed, no-nonsense style ensure her client’s events elevate their brand. Lorna is an advocate and change-maker of women in stem and Women in Business – driving change through actions.

Find out more about what Lorna is looking for from entrants in her interview here.


Alice Busvine, Editorial Writer and Head of Social at  TechRound 

Alice is an editorial writer and the brains behind TechRound’s social media channels, posting far and wide and spreading the word about startups.


Monica Eaton, Founder and CEO of Chargebacks911 and Fi911, as well as Chief Information Officer of Global Risk Technologies

Monica has worked tirelessly to educate merchants and financial institutions about hidden threats in the rapidly changing payment fraud landscape. Chargebacks911 has successfully protected more than 10 billion online transactions and has recovered over $1 billion in chargeback fraud.

Recognising that the impact of chargebacks goes beyond merchants, Fi911 provides unrivalled support to financial institutions with innovative back-office management technologies. Fi911’s pioneering DisputeLab™ tool streamlines chargeback management for acquirers, automating legacy processes and standardising methods that simplify and speed the end-to-end workflow.

Monica is a passionate diversity advocate committed to empowering the global fintech space. She has earned numerous awards including the Retail Systems Awards, where she received the ‘Outstanding Individual Achievement Award’ and was named ‘Global Leader of the Year’ at the Women in IT Awards.


For any questions, comments or features, please contact us directly.
