Announced! TechRound’s AITech35 Winners

TechRound is excited to announce the winners of our AITech35 2024!


TechRound is proud to announce the winners of our AITech campaign, celebrating the entrepreneurs and companies at the forefront of AI advancement.

Founded in 2016, TechRound is the UK’s best-known and fastest-growing startup and tech news site. This is where decision makers, investors and startups of all sizes and nature come to find out the latest developments and trends within the industry.






See The List

Top 35 – See Here >>

Top 20 – See Here >>

Top 10 – See Here >>

Who Ranked Number 1? – See Here >>


Feedback From The Judges


“The calibre of the applications has been exceptional — with no two companies trying to solve the same problem through AI. As an expert in platform strategy and AI, the companies that really stood out for me in the judging process were those that were solving problems in novel and high impact ways in the healthcare/wellness, aviation and climate change industries. They’re radically – and I mean radically – improving patient pathways and outcomes for cancer, improving the safety and lifespan of aviation, and slashing carbon emissions in the worst-offending industries – including the emissions of AI use itself! It’s been an incredibly rewarding process to judge TechRound’s AITech35 2024 campaign and I can’t wait to see how selected companies continue to change industries and lives for the better!”

–Charlotte Bloom, Author and CEO of VSNRY


“Alongside more traditional machine learning companies innovating in the medical / health sector, it was refreshing to see so many companies exploiting new use cases for Generative AI that went beyond simple chatbots. A good mix of established companies pivoting to new technologies and startups showing rapid development to fill gaps in the market.”

–Russell Collingham, Lead Enterprise Architect, Atom bank


“There are many remarkable startups entering and thriving in the AITech sector. Seeing the rise of AITech, specifically in the healthcare, business and education industries speaks volumes of what we can achieve by leveraging the accuracy and advanced algorithms of artificial intelligence. Each entry brought creative, innovative solutions to the table which magnifies how dedicated these entrepreneurs are to helping individuals flourish in the fast-paced world we live in. These startups are not only taking the lead in their industries, but they are also contributing to a society that allows people to feel more human than ever by optimising artificial intelligence to lighten their burdens and improve their lives.”

Dominique Roberts, Editorial and Social Media Manager, TechRound


“Judging the TechRound AI Tech 35 competition was an enlightening experience, showcasing a diverse array of groundbreaking AI companies. Companies such as Databutton, Kayrros, and FoxFour distinguished themselves with their cutting-edge innovations and strong market potential. The competition highlighted how AI is transforming industries, from healthcare to environmental sustainability. It was inspiring to see both established firms and emerging startups pushing the boundaries of AI technology. The level of creativity and dedication to solving real-world problems was remarkable, making the judging process both challenging and rewarding.”

– James Milne, Managing Director of Northern Europe for Outbrain


Thank You To Our Judges!



Charlotte Bloom, Author and CEO of VSNRY

Charlotte  is an award-winning business growth strategist and serial entrepreneur on a mission to make a difference, in particular using the most innovative technology (such as artificial intelligence) to accelerate climate positivity and female empowerment.  Charlotte is also the author of the award-winning new book ‘Winning through Platforms: How to Succeed When Every Competitor Has One’ – a playbook for outcompeting platform and AI-based businesses, and the strategic brain behind many of the world’s most visionary companies.



Russell Collingham, Lead Enterprise Architect, Atom bank

Russell is currently the Lead Enterprise Architect at Atom bank, the UK’s first app-based bank. Russell supports the bank’s strategic roadmap from a technology perspective. Russell also drives the understanding and adoption of AI (generative AI and modern ML techniques) across the bank to enhance back-office automation and customer service.




Dominique Roberts, Editorial and Social Media Manager, TechRound

Dominique is a journalist and writer and is the brains behind TechRound’s social media channels, posting far and wide and spreading the word about startups and entrepreneurs. Dominique regularly writes about the latest innovations in AI and technology and is passionate about publicising the UK and Europe’s most innovative companies.



James Milne, Managing Director of Northern Europe for Outbrain
James Milne is the Managing Director of Northern Europe for Outbrain, a world leading prediction technology platform for the open web. A seasoned industry veteran, James brings 15+ years of knowledge and hands-on experience driving sales growth and tapping into new market segments. In 2018, James was named one of PerformanceIn’s Top 50 Industry Players for his exceptional work pushing forward the performance marketing industry on a global scale.


For any questions, comments or features, please contact us directly.
