AI Could Take Over 8 Million Jobs, Reports Find

As we all know, Generative Artificial Intelligence is the software that is able to produce text, code, and interpret data. Its evolution in technology has been a fast-paced one, affecting different areas including the UK job market.

Carsten Jung, a senior economist at IPPR, explains, “Generative AI could greatly speed up tasks as businesses adopt it, changing knowledge work in the upcoming years.”


How Does AI Influence Jobs?


The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has revealed findings indicating two phases of AI adoption. The initial phase, already in action, affects around 11% of UK tasks with AI.

This includes roles like database organisation and planning. A further stage could see AI altering up to 59% of tasks, touching on roles with higher earnings.

According to IPPR, this puts positions in back offices, customer services, and administration at risk, particularly affecting women and the youth. Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan, a senior research fellow at IPPR, notes, “Positions such as copywriters and personal aides could be greatly affected.”


What Are the Possible Outcomes?


IPPR presents various outcomes based on policy decisions. The “worst-case” includes 7.9 million job losses without GDP benefits, while the “optimal case” anticipates no job losses and a 13% GDP boost (£306bn a year).

An intermediate scenario sees 4.4 million jobs disappearing but accompanied by a 6.3% increase in GDP. This shows the vital equilibrium between technological growth and job market stability.


How Can We Manage AI Adoption?


Active government and business strategies could guide the effect of AI towards favourable outcomes. Suggestions include supporting environmentally friendly jobs less affected by AI and encouraging job adaptation to preserve employment.

Tax measures and legal changes are advised to back workers and ensure fair distribution of AI’s economic benefits.


What’s Next for Employees and Policymakers?


The need for immediate action is apparent: decisive steps are necessary to shape how AI alters the job environment. Governments and unions should work together on a plan that keeps employees safe, promotes skill advancement, and guarantees fair distribution of AI benefits.

With rapid technological changes, it’s must to keep human supervision in key areas like health services.


How Can Employees Get Ready?


The changing AI scenario demands workers to be prepared. Suggestions for individuals include:


Improving Skills:

    • Acquire AI-related abilities such as data examination and coding.
    • Join ongoing professional development and educational programmes.


Flexibility and Adaptability:

    • Stay open to switching job sectors and fields.
    • Cultivate transferable skills such as critical thinking and cooperation.


Community Engagement:

    • Connect with industry networks and digital groups.
    • Exchange knowledge and strategies on adapting to tech developments.


What Is The Contribution Of Educational Bodies?


Schools and training centres play a an important part:


Updating Courses:

    • Incorporate AI and tech-centric sections into syllabuses.
    • Conduct seminars and short sessions on new tech trends.


Collaboration with Business:

    • Partner with companies to offer pertinent job experiences.
    • Customise educational programmes to current market needs.


Assistance Services:

    • Provide advice aimed at future-proofing careers.
    • Assist in transitioning to AI-enhanced positions.