Meet Grayson Hart: The Founder Pioneering Natural Alternatives and CBD

Grayson Hart

Puresport is a natural wellness brand that advocates for a lifestyle that revolves around natural alternatives and overcoming the often detrimental quick-fix mentality.

We have a range of world-first nootropic and adaptogenic products, as well as CBD and medicinal mushrooms. In addition to our products we have created a community Run Club, Training Club, Yoga and Cycling Club to encompass our values of connection, belonging and exercise for physical and mental health.
Puresport · Pure CBD Products & Nootropic Supplements

How did you come up with the idea for the company?

While playing professional rugby I suffered from a painful degenerative knee issue which led me to be very reliant on painkillers. It became quite scary when I needed more and more in order to see any effect, and the knock-on effect was a negative impact on my mental and physical health. I did not want to live that way so I searched for a natural alternative.

CBD was the answer to my struggles, so I was driven to create the world’s first fully batch tested and certified CBD brand so drug tested athletes could finally take CBD with peace of mind and non-athletes could use the most-trusted CBD in the UK. This flowed into other natural alternatives like Mushrooms, Nootropics and adaptogens to help with sleep, stress, focus and pain relief but in a natural and healthy way.


How has the company evolved during the pandemic?

We wanted to encourage people to keep fit and stay motivated during the pandemic. It was so easy for bad habits to slip in when everyone’s routine shifted during the lockdowns, so we created virtual and incentivised online communities to go out for runs and do at-home workouts, which connected us to new people and gave many the extra motivation they were looking for.

This had a great impact on our online social presence with thousands of tags and shares. We have also see that through the pandemic people have taken the time to reflect on what means most to them and we have seen a big shift towards taking care of their own physical and mental health, which has opened up a greater awareness around the natural, healthy and sustainable products we offer which benefit people in the short and long term.

What can we hope to see from Puresport in the future?

We will continue to foster and grow our community. While the world has shifted so much towards online, we will always value the times we spend in the presence of each other.

We currently have the largest weekly free Run Club in the UK which we will look to roll out to gain wider scope, and we will continue to challenge the given narrative handed down to people which doesn’t offer solutions but rather quick fixes, we will keep on innovating and providing products and promoting a lifestyle that truly serve people to feel good now and in the future.